Bilibit Revelation 3
"Songs of Bilibit"
- Here are some blb's wisdom hear them humans for this are the unforetold events but finally revealed and will occur now. Horn of the 7 chaos has blown. It will affect many but fear not. Stand down do not fall humanity can make it. A Revolution to a Free World a Utopia.
- Do not rely too much in this corrupted leaders instead seek those that are enlightened leaders.
There is nothing new in this earth people said here is a new discovery but the truth is all are hidden ready to be rediscovered again.
My soul seek his love but fate is playful why now? - Sheeps that obeyed the words of the Shepherd will be found, those that not obey are lost goat.
Listen to this word cause it will give you life. You can't live with your pride and ego alone. Life is hard just go on don't give up the faith no matter the circumstances. - We live by the sword and die with it it is indeed true but if we live by the bread and not die with it? Simple it is called bug.
Can people see the future? Yes it is called blessing.
How can we not be tempted even the first humans are tempted. - Weak flesh frail and perish but will reborn again. Why human laugh, cry and be sad? Our embedded codes like an AI who is being programmed.
There is no such thing as accident it is all predetermined by the programmer our destined fate called sheol.
We die and live again trust me some of us died not just once but many times you could ever imagine. - Do not ever ignore the meek's wisdom for they are more worth it than a pride's ego.
They said that we ony lived once, yes that is half true but remember we can wake up from the dead.
Solve this riddle, humanity great and small can't do anything without his symbol? He is here but people don't realize it yet for it is like a thief in the night sneaking inside your house without notice.
Have you ever been to the cosmos edge its ending? That is the most promising dream humanity could ever wish and visualize for I tell you it is possible there is indeed an Alpha and Omega.
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