Bilderberg, “Star Visitors”, The United Nations & A Alien Invasion
"The Bilderberg Group would meet to coordinate national policies so that humanity would have the best chance of surviving the challenges posed by visitation of different extraterrestrial factions with unknown agendas.
A vital part of the Bilderberg Group agenda was to ensure that the global media and national legislatures would not learn about the extraterrestrial presence, or of the coordinated national contributions to a globally coordinated Manhattan Project."
"It was then Bilderberg Group collaborated with the Council on Foreign Relations which some consider the U.S. version of the Bilderberg group. There were discussions on how humans would handle the news about the “Star Visitors”, how the governing bodies of the world would handle the presence of the aliens. It was the mid 1950’s that the Bilderberg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) began to work with the aliens on how to present themselves"
"A Strange Visit From the Most Powerful Bilderberg Member"
"A veritable ‘Ambassador to the Stars’ has been selected by the United Nations to deal in the affairs between humans and potential visiting aliens."
"According to numerous reports, Othman will be named as the UN ambassador to extraterrestrials, if and when they contact humanity."
"A secret space program was created for United Nations members states in the early 1990s that had agreed to cooperate for an alien invasion, according to the latest startling revelation by whistleblower, Corey Goode."
"In the face of a forthcoming bumper crop of ‘Alien Invasion’ and ‘staged Alien Invasion’ movies, rumors are rife on the Internet of a staged ‘Alien Invasion’ false flag operation, or an ethical extraterrestrial ‘decloaking’ or landing."