Today, a legend was born into the world and it’s nobody other than Dr. George Edeh in person of @NAIRADADDY. I’ve known him for more than 2 decades now and I can say for sure that he is a Man with unique personality, endearing, honest, loving, intelligent, sweet, smart, down to earth and loves multi-tasking himself. His laughter is so contagious (you can obviously see it for yourself) that you can't spend a minute around him feeling sad.
He is also so easy to talk to that when you table your problems to him, be rest assured that they are half (totally) solved. He is someone that gives advice that are worth taking up.
When things really gets heavy for me, he is one person I can always run to (why won't I rather run to him?) he is so strong to carry both himself and people around him along. He is so versatile that he can do a whole lot and whatever he sets out to do, he accomplish them in perfection.
He has great dreams and If there’s anyone that believes some much in dreams, it’s me. In him I have found a friend, brother, counsellor, mentor. I'm so thankful to my mum for bringing you forth into my life to fill up a lot of vacuum.
On this day of your birth, I join the host of others to celebrate you @nairadaddy. You are a rare Gem to me and I pray that the next 365 days will be the best for you and you shall experience no limit in all your endeavours.
Anything you touch shall turn into Gold. I wish you haven, good health and strength to achieve all your dreams. I pray that from today on wards, you will keep breaking new grounds and also get to a level beyond your expectations.
Thank you dear. You are amazing! Cheers!