in #bigwaves6 years ago

BELIEVE while others are doubting you are preparing and working,before success can be achieved, believe has to involve, how can u achieve without believe, you can't work on or with what you don't believe in, so once you don't believe in something, there is a big tendency it won't work for you. You have to believe before you can achieve.

PLAN Like the saying goes, failing to plan is planning to fail . while others are playing you plan, have a strategic move you're about to make on everything you do, once you have believed, you have to start planning. Procrastination should not be part of you, get rid of procrastination, plan to achieve success and you shall see success coming your way.


STUDY While others are sleeping you're studying, we assimilate more when we read at night than when we read during the day. After believing, you plan, now you have to study your plan to avoid mistakes and errors. While others are resting you're assimilating, once you've studied your master plan, I tell you, you're on your way to success.

DECIDE While others are contemplating you should have decided. Learn to make decisions quick so as to avoid delay. Most times we need to make quick decisions in life and those decision will have great impact in our life either wrong or right. Decide while others are delaying, it brings success close.

PREPARE* while others are fantasizing, while the are wishing they can be this they can be that. Always prepare so as to be ready for any situation. While others are still daydreaming you should have been prepared for what's ahead. Life needs preparation for tougher times.


BEGIN Procrastination is a thief of time so never allow it in. While others are procrastinating you should begin. Each second wasted on procastinating can never be gotten back so do yourself good by avoiding procastination.

WORK While others are wishing, put in effort while others are wishing, never back down. No work no pay, don't wish but put effort. If life were based on wished, am sure every one would be a millionaire in life. Put in effort in what you do, work hard and the result will be success.

INVEST This is another key to becoming successful, while others are wasting, lavishly spending money, buying exotic cars and fancy cloths, you invest yours in what will yield a better tree which will bring plentious of fruit tomorrow. Invest your money on things you know and believe in, like we said in the beginning, what you don't believe will not work for you. Believe, plan, study then invest and in no time you shall reap.

LISTEN While others are talking, while others are feeling they know too much, you listen, even when you know it still listen, there might be an information you've never heard of inside. Always have a listening ear, don't be those type that will always want to talk. Take in before you can give out. Learn to listen, nobody knws it all, we learn everyday.

PERSIST While they are quitting, you stand still, persistent in what you do brings success. Never give up should be the motto. Falling is not the end but staying down after falling.


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COURTESY: @julietisrael
Nice Job. 👍

I just finished my last college exams and whats next is convocation and after that is NYSC. Time to work is getting near. For me, i just want a simple life with a simple office job. I don't know. Is that okay? Would you say am dreaming small?

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