Tips to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur #3

in #bigwaves6 years ago

This is the third post on becoming a successful entrepreneur. In case you missed 1&2 clicks here for post 1 here for post 2


Always aim high and think Big

Limit only exist in the mind, never see anything as impossible because once your mind is set to achieve a certain goal, it doesn't matter if you're zero in your business today, never stop aiming and believing. Aim big, make plans that will turn out great of worked out, believe in God and believe in yourself. When you start people will laugh at you but never allow that stop you from pursuing. No great man made it one day but it was as a sum of daily sweet and some failure, then the victory comes. Have genuine friends who are always ready to stand by you and render helpin time of need.


Like the saying goes Pride comes before fall endeavor to stay humble when success comes. After years of struggle and climbing, you're finally there, you're known for your services, you become an important person, those who looked down on you and mocked you are now trying to come closer. In this point remain humble as you have been from the onset, don't let the new phase of life you're in take control of you. Now people will praise you too much even when you've done nothing, don't let this get to your head and at this point, your inner circle has to be very small, keep a low profile and keep working hard. If you fail after attaining success, you'll know that those people who were praising you then were only waiting for your downfall to crush you.

There is no shortcut to success except hard work

In the business world or I'll say on life, no matter how good you plan, failures are bound to happen. In business, as u grow in business failures are bound to happen so be prepared to face it. He who never failed have never tried, there is no short cut to success. You need to work physically and mentally in the initial stage of your business to make the foundation strong. Never look for short cuts, it might work at the beginning but I can bet you it never last.

True Leadership

A successful entrepreneur needs to have the qualities of a good leader, empowering others to create more leaders. When you have the leadership qualities, massive success will come to you. Have multiple skills, technical and marketing strategies, empower them on others and see the outcome of that.

Write down the worst that can happen to you

Have you ever sat and imagined the worse situation you could ever face in your business? You can try that, it helps you make a better plan for your business and execute them after thoroughl thinking. We always hope for the best but expect the worse. If you have not faced huge crisis in life, there will be a limit to which you can grow to. The biggest education is not what we learn in school but what reality teaches us.
The best is yet to come.


Great words of wisdom you've got here bruv! You meant 'daily sweat' not 'daily sweet' in your 1st paragraph yeah? Also change the spelling of thorough in the last paragraph.


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