MONSTER WIPEOUT - British Surfer Suffers Broken Back at Nazare

in #bigwave7 years ago

Big Wave Rider Lucky to be Alive

I've had my fair share of wipeouts and surf injuries over the years but watching Andrew Cotton getting absolutely smashed by a mountain of a wave at Nazare, Portugal last week was difficult to watch.

After the behemoth collapsed behind him, the enormous power of the wave literally launched Andrew dozens of meters into the air and out in front of the wall of whitewash, before slamming back down in the flats. Landing forcefully on his back in the flats was likely the moment that broke his back.

The rescue team on jet skis had difficulties getting to Cotton in the tumultuous waters but managed to reach him after another wave crashed over top of the injured surfer. After several attempts, the rescue jet ski was flipped while Andrew clung to the sled sending the pair and the ski tumbling through the white wash. Fortunately, Andrew made it to shore where an emergency team quickly stabilized his spine and carefully transported him to an ambulance and on to the hospital.

Metro Newspaper UK Youtube Channel

The 36 year old surfer described the bone crunching impact:

“I pulled up over a lump. I knew it wasn’t going to barrel or that I wasn’t going to out run it, so I just hit the eject button and thought, f—k, I gotta get out of this. Then a whole world of pain happened. It was just like being hit by a lorry, straight to my back. I think I landed on my back in the flats and then got mowed by the white water. Obviously pulled my vest and Hugo [Vau] came to get me. But I missed the sled, I was in so much pain, I couldn’t move. Went through the white water, again. Hugo came around again and got me.”

Andrew Posted several Messages to his Instagram to let everyone know he's okay and on the mend.

Cotton is lucky to be alive after this horrific accident. He's certainly not the first professional surfer to have a brush with death at the famous Portuguese surf spot.

In 2013, Maya Gabreia a professional Brazilian surfer broke leg and nearly drowned on another massive day at Nazare. The incident occurred during the same swell where her teammate, Carlos Burle, surfed perhaps the biggest wave in recorded history - a 100 ft juggernaut.

Cotton is thankful to still be here and plans on returning to the lineup and big wave surfing as soon as he recovers:

Cotton expects to make a full, speedy recovery, and he also thanked Hugo, Garrett McNamara and the Nazaré lifeguards for their quick reactions and for saving his back. Hopefully he’ll start walking again and be out in the lineup soon.

God Speed on Your Recovery Andrew

Pura Vida


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