I did hope his pc chair would have been equiped, on both arms of the chair he has devices to fly around in space... screens, pc mouses, keybords, toys toys ...
I did hope his pc chair would have been equiped, on both arms of the chair he has devices to fly around in space... screens, pc mouses, keybords, toys toys ...
haha dads computer, mine is about the same ! :-)
Awesome equipment @janine-ariane ♥♥♥
You must be a boy! :-) This is my husband stuff, he loves gaming. he plays elite dangerous, and when you see him sitting in the chair, within each hand like joysticks, special headphones on, he looks like an astronaut flying a spaceship. I like we can do it all, he is a bit of a nerd :-) so everytime he finds something new again.
thanks for the entry to the contest.
with pleasure! :-)