Down The Rabbit Hole

in #big4 years ago

A Deeper Look Into "Killing The Giants: How THE PEOPLE Crushed Big Tech".

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Killing The Giants: How THE PEOPLE Crushed Big Tech is being written as a guide for the masses. In this guide are direct usable action steps to halt all controlled dominance by Big Tech and Governments against the people of the world. In this book you will find ways to take back your mind, freedom, self-ownership, and all other aspects for which "The Powers That Be" has stolen from you. This guide is being written for the collective as a whole, and only works if The Collective As A Whole exercise these principles. While in actuality it is impossible to get participation from the entire human collective population, there is a threshold for which the tools in this book will be useful. There is a number, one of critical mass where people will join in singular movement that will cause positive changes. There is a point in which Big Tech will no longer have control over our minds, and we will be released from this matrix like mental prison, which some do not yet realize they are in.

This guide isn't just another meaningless bunch of words for people to read, without a real solution. The problem has been identified in this guide and there are true action steps that if followed by the majority, Power Of The People takes on a whole new meaning. Killing The Giants is not only sounding the alarm. The alarm has been ringing for decades without the people rising to action. Killing The Giants connects the mind of the reader to everything you already know is wrong with Big Tech and Government, but does it with solid solutions that work. The People have no choice but to stand against the Elites of the world right now, or forever lose this world to them. This guide shows you how to fight back with your mind, not the mind that Big Tech and Government has built for you. You know, the one that is now riddled with fear based emotions, and a lack of critical thinking. The big tech and government programming works against your deep seeded innate bravery, gifted to you by your ancestors. This book delivers to you true action steps to take back what Big Tech, and Government, through mainstream and social media, television, movies, and other collective programming has stolen from you.

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Killing The Giants will be known by the elites of the world who wish to control The People, as the most dangerous book ever written. This book is a prediction of the future, but not only one future. We have a choice of where the future is directed by directing the future we want, not by letting the globalist move us like sheep headed for the slaughterhouse. You must ask yourself a few very serious questions. One of these questions being; have you ever known of an adult who was completely dependent on someone else, who wasn't under that persons control? Today most of the population is completely dependent upon Government or at least feel that way. People are, feel, or don't know yet that they have a very high dependency on social media. Tools of mental degradation and negative brainwashing is used every single day of our lives, to project upon us a false reality. Varying degrees of programming is used to assure people always think it's the other person that is negatively programmed, not themselves.



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