Biden against Americanism. Using "Make America Great Again" as a derogatory slang..steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bidenomics2 years ago (edited)

1.With Gasoline prices climbing through the roof, and American Economic turmoil right around the corner, What does #Bidenomics dictate as the next step? Well how about reduce the eventual supply of Domestic oil in the country and cancel offshore oil lease sales in Gulf Coast and Alaska ... OBVIOUSLY.

  1. With the price of food going through the roof, and the price of corn in particular rising from $3.18 on May 18th 2020 right after he took office to $8 Dollars today, what does #Bidenomics dictate? Use more Corn to increase the ethanol blend to 15% and decrease the milage that cars get per gallon with the delusion that the increase in ethanol created from the corn would lower the price per gallon more that the reduced milage effect and the general overall damage to small engines, fuel lines etc etc. #Bidenomics also ignored the increased cost of the Ethanol from the increased price in the corn and the increased cost of the production due to the increase in Wages, Fuel, Insurance, Food, Transportation ( thats right the Ethanol being brought to the gas station is carried in tanker trucks that only run on the most expensive fuel on on the highways due to #Bidenomics other blunders.. See Example #1 above
    This effects anything that corn is a part of, from OIL to Cornbread.
    Screen Shot 2022-05-12 at 9.59.38 PM.png

What do laying hen chickens Eat as a major portion of their diet? Guess what Eggs went up 10.3% LAST MONTH.
I suppose that calling attention to BIDENOMICS can be misleading but the fact is , the USA is the number 1 consumer and wealth nation in the world and we are now imitating the Euro world liberal socialism posing as liberal democracy. the EURO has their PIGS (Portugal, Italy Greece and Spain) lapping up the welfare pot and forcing huge growth in monetary supply, and we have ours.

Global food commodity prices in March climbed nearly 13% from the previous month, according to data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on April 8. Year over year, the world’s food commodity prices in March shot up a staggering 33.6%.

  1. #Putins price hike? Come on man! This goes well past Putin Biden Trump, pandemics and PLANDEMICS.
    When you have a world wide money system based ONLY on DEBT eventually you wind up with a system unable to pay for it's self any other way than through INFLATION with the eventual diversion of WAR.

  2. #PROPAGANDA: or as the Homeland Security (sic) Tzar let us know that his department now has a "Disinformation Governance Board" Please read the article by Politico

"Why Biden is in Danger of Replicating Woodrow Wilson’s Propaganda Machine"

  1. Make America Great Again, when used in the vein of bidenomic rhetoric , is an insult to the very notion that Americanism is a unique and superior system. MAGA is not TRUMP any more that it would have been WASHINGTON or LINCOLN. it is a view of manifest destiny and a calling to make the world a better place under a superior well thought out Constitution based upon centuries of common law and basic biblical ideals. Local communities knit together by culture and basic democratic freedom,.
    Biden's , ask the socialist antichrist pope first policy, advocating a NEW WORLD ORDER and the surrender of local Government in exchange for an Orwellian utopia of " those that are left" is indeed against Making America Great Again.
    A nation that has forgotten it's calling, it's manifest destiny ,can not be great because it will not be good. it is like our ancestors landing on American Shores and searching to expand from Sea to Shining Sea looked out to expand to and explore viewed this land the same way missionaries viewed it and influenced them to name their town and rivers and mountains and children after those same biblical champions of old.

24 Towns named Shiloh
23 Towns named Corinth
18 Towns name Pisgah
Los Angeles ( City of Angels)
etc. etc.

On Jordan’s stormy banks I stand,
And cast a wishful eye
To Canaan’s fair and happy land,
Where my possessions lie.

O the transporting, rapturous scene,
That rises to my sight!
Sweet fields arrayed in living green,
And rivers of delight!

There generous fruits that never fail,
On trees immortal grow;
There rocks and hills, and brooks and vales,
With milk and honey flow.

O’er all those wide extended plains
Shines one eternal day;
There God the Son forever reigns,
And scatters night away.

No chilling winds or poisonous breath
Can reach that healthful shore;
Sickness and sorrow, pain and death,
Are felt and feared no more.

When I shall reach that happy place,
I’ll be forever blest,
For I shall see my Father’s face,
And in His bosom rest.

Filled with delight my raptured soul
Would here no longer stay;
Though Jordan’s waves around me roll,
Fearless I’d launch away.

I am bound for the promised land,
I am bound for the promised land;
Oh who will come and go with me?
I am bound for the promised land.

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