Reading between the lines of Biden.
“I’m getting so frustrated by the elites in the party” calling on him to step down, the president fumed. “I don’t care what the millionaires think.”
-- Joe Biden
“Anyone with eyes and ears can see I’m a brain-dead moron and a puppet and always have been.
I’ve sold out my country for 30 pieces of silver from George Soros and other billionaires and you have to be a billionaire to have my attention and my willingness to do tricks for you. Only billionaires can afford the $15 million for a Hunter Biden painting that comes with whatever favor you want.
If you are merely a millionaire, there are 57 million of you in the USA and you are a mere peasant in comparison to the BILLIONAIRES that pull my strings and who put me here and don’t have a puppet in office if I step down. Plus I will get arrested and die in jail instead of the White House.
If you aren’t a billionaire, fuck off…
I’m running the world and you non-billionaires are like maggots beneath my feet.
Now stop bothering me so I can go back to enriching my billionaire partners, the Mexican cartels, by allowing millions more people at $15,000 each to come to the USA via the cartels and I can get my cut.”