2020 ?
Famine from the south :
Disease from the east :
War ,
from the west :
well they shot another one this week but i think that was a white boy so that doesnt matter (as much) i suppoe
Pestilence will come from the North , ... is that here ?
o no wait , is this the center where they'll meet ?
unless the syrian fighters coming from all over here represent pestilence but i dont think that fits ... there must be something more brewing, but we won't need their jihad apparently we can manage fine by ourselves ...
other than that we are still 5 plagues short and im afraid the fat years came before this
the future's looking bright,
is this hatespeech ? its BIBLICAL , its literally all in there unless that 9 years of catholic school taught me wrong and also
i could add some Nostradamus if you like
hmm ?
no sense of humour huh ?
we'll see what 21 brings ... 5 plagues to go :)
ho wait :
The evil character of these four horsemen is revealed by their fruits (Mt. 7:18-20). The white color of the first is a disguise projecting “good”. The war famine and pestilence they cause, follow the same sequence Christ gave: First Seal False Christ (Rev. 6:2; Mt. 24:4-5); Second Seal Wars and civil unrest (Rev. 6:3-4; Mt. 24:6-8); Third Seal Famine (Rev. 6:5-6); Fourth Seal pestilence (Rev. 6:7-8); Fifth Seal Martyrs (Rev. 6:9-11; Mt. 24:9-10); Sixth Seal Earthquake (Rev. 6:12-17; Mt. 24:15-20).
False Christ ? well take a pick lol ... who on the front-side doesn't speak with the serpents tongue , MARTYRS ! there you have the islamic state then ....
yea boo ... we definitely in for it, if you start seeing dead people id give your old mother a last call
... what?
im just reading up a few days of newsletters ... my pre and hi-skool days in catholic school just see a pattern that's all
and ... i dare say mister biden and miss harris dont seem to work out very well to calm things down ... so this is american life : they'd rather let the country shoot itself first before they present a united front to calm things down ?
here we simply dont get a government for like a year or a year and a half after every election b/c everyone needs to get a say ...
but scrap that last one, i kinda like my take on the apocalypse
and i see dead people !
everywhere i look
they just dont know it yet
really can't shake hands for five minutes and postpone that thing in "your" country until the shooting stops ? its more important to poke fingers ?
well there you have your fake jesuses then, judas' one and all on each and every side
i DO believe so, your very own jesus would throw you out of the temple right there right now
and probably cast the first stone himself lol
well myea ... i just see a pattern here - cant help the places they put me in school
sadly "tv-preacher" is not a career option in belgium
i have known for a long time i was born on the wrong side of the planet
something to do with karma from a former life i assume
belgium, of all places, for the likes of me ....
it HAS to be ...
hm , ps. ? p.s. ... well its not like i wanna but i guess since the posts on steemit are so rewarding if you don't hover around the incrowd ... why not :p
(no that part hasnt changed has it, but i guess that's just "the life of normals" for ya)
I want to write a game, not the solution to dark matter or the a.i. that will take your job as audience next and play it for you, and Zelazny was one of my three favourite authors, he wouldnt be if i werent into that kind of sh - tuff ...
if vance was the muffled scientific approach, van voght was the hard-core scientific approach, le guin hid morals in stories then zelazny took the mystic approach, like he was DJ Zelazny the great re-mixer of dystopian but start from fantasy ... something like that yes,
short of that
If the composer-a.i. ain't scary (impressive but another prophetic sign of whats to come while nature just keeps humans around until technology has grown the missing bits : self-procreation and self-regeneration ... both already underway - nature doesnt need humans to proliferate, lets call it life ... life doesnt need carbon-based life to proliferate
so in essence skynet could be the next step for real lol)
yea, if that wasnt scary alraedy how would you like a corporate neural implant ?
Even if it comes from our great saviour of Mars, coming down from Olympus mons with the fire of the gods, good ole Elon ?
Put that thing in your head to think your cardoor open ... lets hope you don't have a brain like mine that goes all over the place , im quite sure that pig doesnt - and then what ?
a sign on your chest that says :"this brain uses cookies by SpaceX, if you don't agree then please remove yourself from the room or you will be tracked as well"
2020 .... :)
so far ...
not good ...
if you take one from Elon ... if you say YEA i wanna open that Tesla with supreme mind control i wonder
would you take one from Alphabet (google) ? Or Marky Mark Faceberg ? ... like you can scroll up and down and auto-search with this just at the whim of a thought , please set your privacy preferences on what alpha waves we are allowed to collect other than your sisters panties ?
not good ... (although for loners and otaku i suppose this has not been all very bad mwahahah ...)
someone linked me something on discord btw about a microsoft patent where a smartwatch will mine crypto for you "just for moving" ... so in essence team Satellius has a patent to log your body movements and geolocation while whatever you have on your phone gets stuffed in someone elses database ...
ah yea and with that : happy 90th to Warren B. ... :)
i hope i have 1% of that by the age of 50 then ...
and also : its not crypto thats poison : its the marketeers and the magical words, mister B. it sure is, otherwise it can empower people by getting money out of nothing, but the way it works with the whales and the salesforce ... that makes it just more of the same old
after all
what's the actual value of gold ? what does it do ?
i seriously hope im still standing that straight at 90 ... and preferably at 150 since i got some catching up to do ... first i need about 100 million for stemcell therapy to re-grow some cartilage and maybe a few other things that start falling apart
or otherwise it's the cyborg factory
whichever comes at guttertrash prices :D