Seminaries and Bible colleges × Same Doctrine = The Greatest Trick Devil Ever Pulled Is Convincing The World He's God?
"Bible colleges are undergraduate programs that have a unique focus on the Bible and a biblical worldview to their general education studies. In other words, you can get an Associates degree or Bachelor’s degree at a Bible college.
While you can often major in nursing, criminal justice, etc., the major focus of most Bible colleges is studying the Bible, doctrine, and professional skills needed in ministry."
"Seminaries and Bible colleges also serve as great places to teach doctrine. Courses are offered entitled Systematic Theology, Doctrine 101, or Fundamentals of Theology."
"When he saw creation surrounding him, and the throng of angels around him who had come forth from him, he said to them, I am a jealous god and there is no other god beside me.
But by announcing this, he suggested to the angels with him that there is another god. For if there were no other god, of whom would he be jealous?"
"A lot of parallels that can be found between the earliest docoments of the Torah/Tenach and the Sumerian/Babylonian/Akkadian religions in Mesopotamia. This lead some to believe that the Torah was invented by men (compiled or cobbled together). Some even assume that Jews - who borrowed material and found inspiration from Mesopotamian and other indigenous, Canaanite, sources - did this during the Babylonian times."