ThePAPACYBeast 4 #TheSeedOfSatan

in #bible6 years ago

JESUS BEGAN TO PREACH THE TRUTH. The Devil hated that. The Devil HATES the truth cos he KNOWS that the TRUTH is what SETS PEOPLE FREE. In fact, do you know that 86% OF THE WORDS OF JESUS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT ARE QUOTED STRAIGHT OUT OF THE OLD TESTAMENT? Jesus began to preach the WORD. If there was ever a Bible preacher it was Jesus. And everything that the Devil counterfeits, every deception, JESUS CAME WITH THE BIBLE AND SHOWED THE TRUTH. Every lie of Satan, Jesus preached the truth and blew it away! Every piece of idolatry, Jesus blew it away! All the deceptions of the Devil, JESUS, THROUGH THE AUTHORITY OF HIS WORD, HE BLEW IT ALL BACK TO HELL WHERE IT CAME FROM!

And the Devil got so mad, he said, "I've got to shut this guy up!" He inspired the Pharisees, "Try to stone Him!" And they tried to stone Jesus, and Jesus said, "My hour is not yet come" went on His way. They tried to throw Him over cliff one time, Jesus said, "My hour is not yet come." They can't do it! AND THAT VOICE WENT ON TO PREACH THE TRUTH. Jesus gathered 12 disciples around Him, He taught them the truth. And after Jesus had taken the truth back to the people, after He expounded the truth to them, then Jesus said, "I have accomplished My mission." He went to the old rugged cross, and there He died and paid your death penalty on the cross of Calvary. HE GAVE YOU A FREE GRACE THAT YOU MIGHT BE SAVED FOREVER. And when He did that, they stuck Him to that tomb. You remember the prophecy in Genesis? It said that the Woman is gonna get a what? A bruised heel. Just a temporary wound. The Devil was so happy that he had shut Jesus up when they stuck Him in the tomb, but the Devil also knew the prophecy and he was shaking in his boots, he said, "Shut Him up! Never let Him out of there! Seal that thing! Get the Roman soldiers!" All the Devil's influence was down there, but on that third day Jesus blast out of that tomb and He said, "I'm here! I'M ALIVE FOREVERMORE! Now I hold the keys not only of the grave, but of death!" And I tell you, the Devil was sooo mad.

Jesus told His disciples, "I want you to tarry all in Jerusalem till the power of the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And when that happens, you go out to all the world and let them know the truth and the good news of salvation." And those disciples tarried and prayed until the day of Pentecost. And when the day of the Pentecost came, THE HOLY SPIRIT CAME DOWN AND THEY WENT OUT EQUIPPED WITH THE GIFT OF THE SPIRIT, AND THAT CHURCH WAS ENERGIZED AND ON FIRE AND ON POWER FOR GOD! They went out and conquered the world for Jesus Christ! And I tell you when that happened the Devil didn't know what to do!! He was so mad, he said, "I had the whole world deceived but Jesus the Seed of the Woman has come and He's unmasked all my deceptions! And now all those disciples are preaching the truth! I've got to stop them! He did everything to make them stop, he couldn't stop them. They went out like wild fire! Paul went around and raised up Christian churches! The Devil said, "I'm gonna put them to death." And so HE INSPIRED THOSE ROMAN EMPERORS AND ALL THOSE PEOPLE and he got them together AND THEY STARTED TO KILL CHRISTIANS! They started TO MARTYR THEM BY THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS! But the Devil failed miserably. THE MORE THEY KILL THEM, THE MORE THEY'RE INSPIRED TO GO!

But then the Devil got to thinking... "What am I going to do? I tried deception but it doesn't work. Jesus blew them away. Now the disciples are gone all over the world and they're preaching the truth. All those years of work down to drain." He went back and forth in his little shop trying to figure out how to do it. And one day it dawned on him... "Hmmm... If you can't beat them, join them. Why didn't I think of this before? Why don't I CREATE MY OWN CHURCH? If I create my own super universal church AND BASE IT ON THE SAME ERRORS, AND IDOLATRY, AND FALSE WORSHIPING OF BABYLON, ONLY PUT A REAL PRETTY CHRISTIAN VENEER OVER IT, you know what? I COULD DECEIVE THE WHOLE WORLD!! And not only that! I COULD DO IT ALL IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!! Man! I've been beating my head up against the wall! This is stupid! I'M GONNA JOIN THE CHURCH! I'M GONNA CREATE A SUPER CHURCH!!" And so the Devil got smart. He COMBINED CHRISTIAN AND PAGAN THINGS TOGETHER. And through this he gets as many people as he could to go to church BUT JUST MAKE SURE THAT THEY WERE FOLLOWING ERRORS AND PAGAN AND FALSE TEACHINGS ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD. Isn't that a master plan? I tell you, you talking about a masterplan? THAT'S a masterplan. And that's exactly what happened.

The prophecy said in Genesis that the Woman will bring forth her Seed, and that's Jesus Christ. As soon as the Woman brought forth her Seed in Revelation 12, what happens immediately next? Chapter 13. God said, also the Devil will bring forth his seed. The seed of Satan comes forth in the very next chapter as the BEAST of Revelation 13, the ANTICHRIST kingdom. JUST LIKE JESUS CAME AND ESTABLISHED HIS KINGDOM IN OUR HEARTS, THE DEVIL WAS FORCED TO FULFILL THE SECOND PART OF THE PROPHECY. HE HAD TO BRING FORTH HIS SEED, AND NOW WE GOT A COUNTERFEIT KINGDOM, THE ANTICHRIST KINGDOM. Revelation 12, the Seed of the Woman, Jesus Christ. Revelation 13, the seed of Satan, the Antichrist.

Now, with that background, does it make sense now why the Bible writers said that the spirit of antichrist was already working even back to their time, does that make sense now? Does it make sense now that THE ANTICHRIST IS NOT ONE PERSON WHO SUDDENLY APPEAR AT THE END OF TIME? It's so simple. As soon as Jesus Christ came, Satan had to counterfeit and come up with Antichrist. And that's what the whole controversy in the book of Revelation is all about. SATAN COMBINED CHRISTIAN AND PAGAN THINGS TOGETHER, CAME UP WITH A SYSTEM OF FALSE DOCTRINES TO DECEIVE THE WHOLE WORLD.

You're also gonna see something else interesting here. Look again at the Beast in Revelation 13. Notice that THIS BEAST REPRESENTING THE PAPACY IS MADE UP OF THE 4 BEASTS OF DANIEL. It has the heads of the lion which qas Babylon, the feet of the bear which was Medo-Persia, the body of leopard which was Greece, and the 10 horns from Rome. God represents this Beast Papacy as actually being made up and COMPOSITED OF THESE 4 PAGAN KINGDOMS. BECAUSE WHEN IT WAS FORMED, IT ACTUALLY DREW ITS DOCTRINES AND ITS BELIEFS AND ITS TEACHINGS FROM THESE 4 PAGAN EMPIRES, THEN MIXED IT WITH CHRISTIANITY, AND CAME UP WITH THIS COUNTERFEIT SYSTEM, THE ANTICHRIST BEAST, WHICH IS THE PAPACY, THE SEED OF SATAN.

Next up, a look at some of these mixed pagan and Christian doctrine of the Beast that is deceiving the whole world!

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