ThePAPACYBeast 3 #TheSeedOfTheWoman

in #bible6 years ago

After the Flood, the side of the Dragon, they begin to build a tower-- the Tower of Babel. In defiance against God they build this tower up to the sky. In case there was a flood again, they can escape. This is where God confused their language, scattered them all over the earth. And it was here that the Devil said, "Alright, I'm gonna beat God in His own game. I'm gonna create my own system of worship." At the site of the Tower of Babel THE DEVIL SET UP HIS HEADQUARTERS. He set up a kingdom called BABYLON, and he set up A SYSTEM OF WORSHIP THAT REVOLVED AROUND THE PLANETARY GOD-- the worship of the sun, moon, and the stars. And this FALSE SYSTEM OF FALSE WORSHIP began to be spread to the whole world. You can go to any country in this world, whatever false worship is there, every one of them have a religious system that has its ROOTS BACK IN BABYLON. IDOLATRY began in Babylon. Astrology was born in Babylon. Reincarnation began in Babylon. EVERY PAGAN PRACTICE, ALL FALSE WORSHIP, EVERYTHING THAT'S CONTRARY TO THE BIBLE HAS ITS ROOTS IN BABYLON. AND YOU CAN TRACE EVERY WORLD RELIGION RIGHT BACK TO BABYLON. And the Devil decided, "If I can get this system of false worship spread into the whole world, then, I can get the whole world deceived again and nobody will be following God." And so Babylon as a great world-ruling empire spread its influence.

Next on the scene was Medo-Persia. Whose side was Medo-Persia on? The Dragon's side. Medo-Persia continued the false system of worship and spread them more with MORE FALSE PRACTICES, MORE IDOLATRY, MORE PAGANISM, MORE FALSE WORSHIP.

Greece was also on the Dragon's side. If you studied MYTHOLOGY, they have thousands of planetary gods and this system went everywhere. In fact, the Hellenistic influence is still prevalent everywhere in the world today.

Now, the Devil got excited because by the time you get to the days of Rome, you've got God's chosen people-- the ISRAELITES, the Jewish people-- AND THEY HAVE IN THEIR HANDS THE VERY BIBLE WE HAVE TODAY (at least the Old Testament portion of it). AND THAT PORTION TAUGHT THEM OF GOD'S WORD. But the people of that day were SO MESMERIZED BY THE SYSTEM OF BABYLON, SO ENTRENCHED IN TRADITIONS OF MEN, THEY WERE SO DECEIVED BY FALSE TEACHINGS, and idolatry, and pagan practices, THAT EVEN HAVING THE BIBLE IN THEIR HANDS THEY WERE NOT FOLLOWING WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS! And the Devil was so elated, he said, "I've done it! I've got the whole world deceived! I've got Asia, Africa, Australia, the Indian-Maya in Mexico, I've got them all under my control! And look at God's people! THEY EVEN HAVE THE BIBLE BUT THEY'RE NOT DOING WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS! I've deceived the whole world!" He was so happy he was just dancing with joy!

But there's something he forgot... And that was this little prophecy sitting back in Genesis 3 that someday there was gonna be the Seed of the Woman... And at earth's darkest hour... When it seemed that the Devil had literally triumphed over God... When it seemed that no one in the whole world was following the Word of God anymore... GOD'S GREAT PROPHETIC TIME CLOCK STRUCK THE HOUR... AND IT WAS TIME FOR THIS LITTLE PROPHECY IN GENESIS TO BE FULFILLED... IT WAS TIME FOR THE SEED OF THE WOMAN TO COME FORTH...

Revelation 12:1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

Follow this carefully. That WOMAN all the way back from Genesis, she finally appears here in the book of Revelation. Here, Mary, in her purity, symbolizes God's people.

v2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

This is amazing. We now know who the great red dragon is-- that's Satan. And he wants to devour this man child that the Woman brings forth as soon as He was born. But NOTICE something interesting here: Satan the Dragon is pictured here with 7 HEADS AND 10 HORNS. Now, we already know who the 10 horns are, we already discussed that with our previous studies, but WHAT DOES THE 7 HEADS ON SATAN THE DRAGON REPRESENTS? The answer is gonna blow your mind. The Bible interprets it for you--

Revelation 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

What city is known as the City of Seven Hills? You can Google it. That is ROME. And so, what do we have here? Let's go back to the prophecy--

The Woman brings forth a man child that is caught up to God in His throne. WHO IS THE MAN CHILD? That's JESUS CHRIST. Now JESUS HAS COME DOWN TO THE DEVIL'S TURF, and Jesus was gonna play with the Devil on his own grounds and whip him big time. And the Devil just tremble when he thought about that. That's why he did everything he could to stop it. Think about it. What do you got in this picture? You got Satan the Dragon with 7 heads representing the 7 hills of Rome. That means SATAN WORKING THROUGH ROME set out to kill the man child as soon as he's born. And isn't that exactly what happened? IT WAS DEVIL SATAN THAT INSPIRED HEROD, "Kill every child two years under! Get rid of this baby!" But JESUS WAS MARVELOUSLY PROTECTED. His parents fled down to Egypt and then they came back when it was safe. He grew up in a little backwards town called Nazareth in a carpenter's shop until about AGE 30. I tell you, the Devil was so mad! THE SEED OF THE WOMAN HAD COME.

Next up, the Seed of Satan!

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