TheBeast 6 #ThePapacy

in #bible6 years ago

The ONLY kingdom and ONLY power that fit all the 10 Marks of Identification of the Little Horn/Kingdom/Beast is the Vatican/Kingdom of Papal Rome/PAPACY. Yes, you read it right. THE PAPACY IS THE ANTICHRIST BEAST.

Now, let me say something here. GOD DID NOT BRING THIS OUT TO HURT OR OFFEND ANYBODY. In the Bible, God prophesies the future, and He brings out different events, different kingdoms, different powers that rules, and He shows their effect on history and on the Christian church. The next power that came on the scene that came out of the Pagan Roman Empire was the Papal Roman Empire or the Papacy. GOD IS NOT TALKING ABOUT CATHOLICS, HE'S TALKING ABOUT THE SYSTEM OF THE PAPACY. I was born in a Roman Catholic home and I have roots who served in the Catholic Church. They are some of the most devout people in the world. But we also have to realize that God has brought out in the Bible this system of error, not to hurt us, but TO CALL US OUT OF IT AND INTO THE LIGHT OF HIS TRUTH. He's not pushing us away, instead, He's telling us to come to Him.

Now, we're gonna go through the FULFILLMENT of each Identification of the Antichrist Beast as we saw it from the Bible--

  1. It will come up AMONG the 10 Western European nations -- the Vatican City is right there in the heart of Italy, exactly as God said where the Beast would be.

  2. It will come up AFTER 476 a.d. -- right in the Vatican City is a huge 75-foot long painting of Emperor Justinian giving the Bishop of Rome (the Pope) the seat and the power. There's a date written on it, the date is 538 A.D. You see, THERE WAS A TRANSITION FROM PAGAN ROME INTO PAPAL ROME. It became a "Christian" empire. The Bible had prophesied it will take place after 476 a.d., and that was a perfect fulfillment.

  3. It is a LITTLE kingdom -- the Vatican City occupies only 109 ACRES. It is the littlest kingdom of all kingdoms. The only one that fits that description. But eventhough it's the littlest kingdom, the Vatican City is the WEALTHIEST kingdom on the face of earth. In fact, if they will only give HALF of their wealth, they will eradicate world poverty for good. That's WORLD poverty. No one will be homeless, no one will be hungry, everyone will have a home and a bed to sleep in at night, everyone will have a job. And if everyone is living good, don't you think that will lessen crime rates? Because no one would have to kill or steal, and families will more likely to stay intact, because everyone has all they need. That's how wealthy this kingdom is. But ONLY IF THEY WILL... Just something to think about.

  4. It will UPROOT three of the ten kingdoms -- it was the armies of Papal Rome that destroyed the Heruli, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths. And the last one to go was interestingly in 538 a.d., the same year that Papal Rome was put on the throne and began to rule.

I read a little something about the Heruli. The world have suffered a great loss when Papal Rome and its armies destroyed this people. Because the Heruli were very famous TIMEKEEPERS. They had perfected keeping time more than any civilization on this earth. And it took us hundreds of years before we caught up again with the technology that they have.

  1. There's A MAN AT ITS HEAD -- We all know who that man is-- the POPE. By the way, properly called the Bishop of Rome. There never was a woman, there never was a queen. It's just this visible man at its head.

  2. It will be DIVERSE or different -- every kingdom in Europe is a political democratic kingdom. Always been this way. But the Vatican is uniquely different. It is the only ECCLESIASTICAL KINGDOM in all Europe. It is not the people who votes, it is not the people who ink laws, it is not the people who represent the kingdom. It is rather THE DECISIONS OF THE POPE IN AN ECCLESIASTICAL KINGDOM THAT MAKES ALL THE RULES, THE DECISIONS, AND THE LAWS, AND ITS PEOPLE JUST FOLLOW THEM WHATEVER IT IS.

  3. It speaks GREAT WORDS AND BLASPHEMIES -- we found out on my previous post what constitutes great words and blasphemies from the Bible. I grew up a Catholic and there's no denying that the Papacy do CLAIM these two things. Let's go through it. Great words and Blasphemy is--

First, WHEN A MAN CLAIMS TO BE ONE WITH GOD OR MAKING HIMSELF GOD. Let me give you a couple of quotes:

“The pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not mere man, but as it were God, and the vicar of God. He is the divine monarch and supreme emperor, and king of kings (Please notice that every title that is given to Jesus is given to him). Hence the pope is crowned with a triple crown, as King of heaven and of earth and of the lower regions (this CROWN we'll talk about later)...

... Moreover the superiority and the power of the Roman Pontiff by no means pertain only to heavenly things, to earthly things, and to things under the earth, but are even over angels, than whom he is greater. . . . So that if it were possible that the angels might err in the faith, or might think contrary to the faith, they could be judged and excommunicated by the pope (HE HAS THE POWER TO EXCOMMUNICATE AN ANGEL OUT OF HEAVEN IF THE ANGEL DISAGREES! That's a lot of power!) . . . . For he is of great dignity and power that he forms one and the same tribunal with Christ . . .
** Lucius Ferraris, Prompta Bibliotheca, vol.6, art. “Papa II” (Ferraris was an Italian Catholic canonist and consultor to the Holy Office in Rome.)

Those are strong words!! And there are many, many more of these statements from the Vatican City! Here's one that really hits me--

"The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, he is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of flesh."
** Catholic National, July 1895.

Let's go to the next definition of great words and blasphemies--

Second, WHEN A MAN CLAIMS TO HAVE THE POWER TO FORGIVE SINS. Now, every Catholic knows this, but again I'll give you some quotes--

"The priest does really and surely forgive sins in the verge of power given to him by Christ."
** Joseph Deharbe's Catechism, p.279.

Now we all know that's not true, that he's talking very boldly. Here's another one from a Catholic priest, MICHAEL MÜLLER, pp.78, 79.

"Seek where you will through heaven and earth and you will find but one created being who can forgive the sinner, who can free him from the chains of hell; that extraordinary being is the priest, the Roman Catholic priest. Yes, beloved brethren, the priest not only declares that the sinner is forgiven, but he really forgives him. The priest raises his hand, he pronounces the word of absolution, and in an instant, quick as a flash of light the chains of hell are burst assunder and the sinner becomes a child of God. So great is the power of the priest that the judgments of heaven itself are subject to his decision."

THOSE ARE GREAT WORDS! AND PURE BLASPHEMY! GOD'S GOTTA DO WHAT THE PRIEST SAYS??! HEAVEN HIMSELF HAS TO OBEY HIS WORDS??! No other kingdom says those kinds of things! Was God wrong when He said that the Papacy will claim these things?? No. God is always right!

  1. It would WEAR OUT AND MAKE WAR AGAINST GOD'S SAINTS -- the Catholic Church gave the most conservative figure, that IT PUT between 50 and 60 MILLION MARTYRS TO DEATH DURING THE DARK AGES. No other kingdom fits that description. But, as you study history, most Protestants put it as high as 200 to 300 MILLION MARTYRS THAT DIED THROUGHOUT ALL THOSE DARK AGES AS THEY WERE BURNED AT THE STAKE, AS THEY WERE EATEN BY WILD ANIMALS, AND BY ALL THOSE INSTRUMENTS OF TORTURE UNIMAGINABLE! The history is bloody through Western Europe by Papal Rome and its atrocities during centuries after centuries of Crusades and martyrdom.

Now, I said that for one reason: it's because WE HAVE TO TAKE AN HONEST LOOK AT HISTORY AS IT WAS TOLD IN BIBLE PROPHECY. And yes, they're not doing it now but there's STILL a prophecy that this power WILL PERSECUTE AGAIN.

  1. It will THINK TO CHANGE GOD'S TIME AND LAWS -- I will give you a quote again--

"The Pope is of so great authority and power, that he is able to modify, declare, or interpret even divine laws."
** Source: Lucius Ferraris, “Papa,” art. 2, in his Prompta Bibliotheca Canonica.

Now, we all know that it's not true, but the Pope THINKS that it is true, and MAKES ALL OF HIS SUBJECTS THINK THAT IT IS TRUE (EVENTHOUGH IT'S NOT). So what did they do?

In the Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine, you will read this:

Q: What is the 2nd Commandment?
A: The 2nd Commandment is Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.

No, it's not. You go to Exodus 20 and it will tell you that the 2nd Commandment is "Thou shalt not make any graven image or any likeness of anything... Thou shalt not bow down to them nor serve them..." But this kingdom don't like that law and the reason is obvious, of course. Because of all the idols and images, Mary and Jude and all these saints, and they pray to them, so what they did was they COMPLETELY THREW THAT ONE AWAY. And now they're down to nine. What did they do then?

Q: What is the 10th Commandment?
A: The 10th Commandment is Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods.

And do you know what number 9 is? Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife! No, it's not! IN ORDER TO GET 10 COMMANDMENTS BECAUSE THEY THREW THE 2nd ONE OUT, THEY SPLIT THE 10th COMMANDMENT INTO TWO! There is no other kingdom that has thought to change God's Law. ONLY THE PAPACY. And not only that, they also (tried to) change God's time. The law that teaches of God's time, the 4th Commandment, which is the Sabbath Commandment, they changed into Sunday. And the world followed it and everybody's worshiping on Sunday, BECAUSE IN THIS KINGDOM, WHATEVER THE POPE SAYS, EVERYBODY FOLLOWS. AND BECAUSE EVERYBODY IS FOLLOWING IT, THE PAPACY THINKS THAT IT HAS REALLY CHANGED GOD'S TIMES AND LAWS AND MAKES EVERYONE THINK THAT IT REALLY HAS CHANGED GOD'S TIMES AND LAWS (EVENTHOUGH THEY REALLY DID NOT AND THEY CAN NEVER WILL)!!!

  1. It will RULE FOR A TIME, TIMES, AND HALF A TIME -- that's equivalent to 1,260 days/years. The Papal Rome ascended into power in the year 538 a.d. Add to it 1,260 years and you will come to the year 1798. What happened in 1978?

General Berthier, who was working for Napoleon Bonaparte, made his entrance into Rome, he abolished the Papal government, and established a Republic. They went into Rome and literally confiscated all the property of the church. They declared a Republic, they said the Pope will never exist again. In fact, they took the Pope Pius VI out of the throne and they took him to France where he died in exile. And for many years there wasn't even a Pope in Rome. It was not until 1929 when Mussolini set up again a political state that have the same power once again that it had before. This was the DEADLY WOUND THAT WAS HEALED that the Bible refers to. IT WAS EXACTLY 1,260 YEARS. EVERYTHING EXACTLY AS GOD SAID IT WOULD HAPPEN IN BIBLE PROPHECY! NOW, THAT'S NOT A MISTAKE! ONLY GOD COULD TAKE THAT STEP BY STEP BY STEP AND PERFECTLY SEE IT COME TO PASS! AND THAT'S THE SURE WORD OF GOD!

Now you know who the Antichrist Beast is. God WARNS us NOT to worship this Beast and NOT to receive the Mark from this Beast.

Next up, more about this Beast! God bless!

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