Bible teaching: But spiritual people discern everything, while nobody else can discern the truth about them!
The first letter to the Corinthians tells us about the importance of the spiritual gift of discernment. The ability to discern in its full sense is typical of the adult man, the complete man. In general, we all discern, that is, we all have the ability to choose between good and evil, that is the base. But the gift of discernment seeks the truth when it is hidden by appearances; it is a particular, a unique faculty: "But spiritual people discern everything, while nobody else can discern the truth about them!. For ´Who has known the mind of the Lord, so as to instruct him?´ But we have the mind of the Messiah." 1 Corinthians 2:15-16.
The gift of discernment is based on another spiritual gift: progressive intelligence or the spiritual gift of knowledge. The gift of knowledge is the ability to read within, to look for the essences behind the forms.
The gift of science has a particularity, all the judgments that come from this gift are free from error, from sin. The gift of understanding or knowledge is the spiritual gift that is behind all telepathic phenomena, that is, not of "hearing voices" but of the ability to "read thoughts."
The prophets consult God like the prophet Daniel in Babylon, like Joseph who interprets the dreams of Pharaoh in Genesis 41, God through his spiritual gifts, his qualities, allows us to discern in matters of great importance, about what is hidden, or the future and destiny. The destiny, the future of man is like a web, while some live like flies, the spiritual man is like the spider, that weaves inside the web of destiny thanks to these gifts.
That is, all seers and clairvoyant at some point seek to change destiny through their prophecies, some prophecies can be changed, others cannot. When Achilles goes to Troy he receives a prophecy, he can change his destiny, if he stays he will have a wife, a long life and a family; but if he goes to Troy the glory will be his, but he will lose his life. The prophecy can be changed, but it is fulfilled.
The spiritual man discerns what can be changed and what cannot. Discernment weaves in the hidden. Discern prophecies, discern the thoughts of the creator, like Joseph and Daniel.
That is the true depth of the spiritual gift of discernment in the spiritual man.
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