May 14 2021 Rapture - In 3 Days We Will Know.

in #bible3 years ago (edited)


As I write this, Jerusalem is in turmoil with the twin crises of the 4th stalled election and riots raging on the temple mount.

Some would say we are looking at the perfect storm brewing in the Middle East, and prophetically, Gods timepiece, the land of Israel, approaching its 73rd anniversary since the modern state was founded on May 14, 1948, seems to be on the verge of the 7-year tribulation prophesied in the book of Daniel.

Not only that, but as I have laid out in the last few years on this blog, it would seem that it's possible that we are also seeing the 2000th anniversary of the year that Jesus last walked in the land of Israel, thanks to a 10-year "antedating" error which has us at the year 2021 since the birth of Christ, which nominally seems to have taken place in the year 4 BC, but in fact may have actually taken place in 14 BC.

If you discount the zero year between BC and AD, which doesn't exist in the calendar, this places us fair and square at the 2000th anniversary of Jesus own departure from the earth on Ascension Day, AD 21.

Now, there would probably be a day or so discrepancy so the rapture may happen any day this week, but given that "no man knows the day nor hour" seems to be the mantra most will quote when someone names the day of the rapture, perhaps I will widen the scope of my prediction for the rapture date to May 13-14, 2021.

As I don't intend this to be a long article, just an update, please feel free to peruse earlier posts on this blog for more in-depth explanations of the rapture date I am laying out here. It's certainly not unique to me, as many other prophecy watchers have expounded at length on the "Fig Tree Generation" rapture but I believe I have a unique insight into this date, as most people don't tie this date with the 2000th anniversary of Jesus' rapture. Below are a few links that led me to this insight...

If the rapture doesn't happen by May 14 I will follow up with an update within a week, but if you are reading this blog post after May 21, and there is no update, you can assume the rapture has happened. Hopefully you would be aware of that anyway, if it is reported that millions of people have disappeared, but we just don't know.

Whatever the case, if you haven't done so already, please give your life to Jesus today. Now is the day of salvation.

2 Corinthians 6:
1 We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain.
2 For He says:

“In an acceptable time I have heard you,
And in the day of salvation I have helped you.”

Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

Update 17/05/2021 As the title of this post said, in 3 days we did know, and yes the rapture didn't happen. Is it possible that 2021 is still the year, or should we now look for another year? For various reasons, which I will go into in the next post (probably not till I have time off work in a week or so), it is still possible that the rapture could happen in the next few weeks. Israel is in even more turmoil now with the Gaza war, and there still isn't a government, so God's timepiece is still ticking.

Update 26/05/2021: I am hoping to see the blood moon tonight if it's not cloudy, as I am in Australia, and the eclipse should be happening just as I drive home from work, as it happens. I have a few speculations about what could happen in the coming days.

Given that a blood moon always means war for Israel, could it be that during the "ring of fire" eclipse, as it is being called, Hamas will activate their "ring of fire" terrorist proxies surrounding Israel?

Not only that, but in this year of 2021, the 27th of May is the 147th day of the year, a total of 21 weeks. Not only that, but in the year AD 21, exactly 2000 years ago, Ascension Day was on the 27th of May! Could it be that the rapture will occur on the 2000th anniversary of Jesus' rapture?

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