Using Cryptocurrency to go to Space! Interesting ICOs

Welcome to this week's interesting ICOs

Here are the few ICOs that I will be discussing:

1. prodigy V

This one looks very legitimate and I believe will be the next level of cryptocurrency.
If we can truly achieve the goal, we can be the first community to self fund a space mission.

To the moon!

2. Hydro X

Hydro X is a plan to decentralize water. "Miners" comprise of water purification plants that are paid on a per liter of purification they do. Many governments love trading water as a commodity, but that's not right. The people own water, not the government!

This looks extremely interesting and can really change the world.

3. Bitcoin Ash

The proof of burn concept in this coin is really interesting and I think you should check it out!

Bitcoin Ash is an open-source, secure, private and anonymous currency, that works on a Proof of Incineration basis. The proof of incineration is the direct result of reducing the supply of Bitcoin, and earning revenue/profits from it. The proof of incineration business model allows transactions to be instant, and liquidity to remain at 100% where the Bitcoin Ash buy back rate will always be at 95% or above. Bitcoin Ash, ASH, will exponentially rise as more supply is incinerated into Ash.
#4. Securivast

A revolutionary new product called Securivast was announced. It's going to revolutionize the Antivirus industry, which is a multimillion dollar industry. I suggest you invest in it

Well this concludes this episode!

Happy profits!