E175 (Pt2) - BB AfterParty - Steemprentice, SteemfestDreamers, ThunderWhale, eSteem & SteemMonitor!

Covered this After-Party
#1 w/ $3.84 -- @virtualgrowth & @sychochica of SteemPrentice

"Steemprentice Mentoring Initiative is a group to essentially crowdsource help from veteran users for those that are new, frustrated, or just wanting to learn." ~@virtualgrowth
@virtualgrowth & @sykochica join us to give an overview of the Steemprentice group they have spearheaded along with a handful of friends. @virtualgrowth gives us a bit of the history behind how steemprentice was born and the problems it was meant to solve. We discuss some of the basics of how steemit users can help set themselves (and their posts) apart from the crowd so they are more likely to get upvoted. This writer will not give away all the surprises, but one take away? Make sure your title will catch people's eyes and try to see how you can add unique value! It likely is not the quality of your content that is lacking...
In light of the intention to crowdsource tools and participants, @officialfuzzy donates a room in mumble for the Steemprentice Initiative to have, record and share mentoring sessions on steemit and other social media networks. @nonlinearone expresses his hopes that developers like @good-karma receive support.
-Check out and upvote to support the Streemprentice initiative where you can find updates on the initiative and those volunteering as mentors.
-Join the Steemprentice Steemit.chat channel to participate in the real time discussion and ask for a mentor or even be one yourself!
#2 w/ $3.84 -- @richardcrill of Steemfest Dreamers Iof Enitiative

@richardcrill is joining us to talk about his initiative and experience in trying to get financial help for individuals who want to travel to Amsterdam to attend Steemfest. Richard divulges that he has been able to get enough to help some people and has paid out of pocket to help, but is having difficulty getting the project noticed after the first post, which paid for @mrwang's ticket.
We go over the reasons why he may be experiencing these barriers to entry at this stage in steem development and potential ways he could help without only receiving SBD. In this light @richardcrill explains his current pivot to begin donating all SBD earned in his posts toward sending people to steemfest.
We also look to some potential ways to help in the case that the initiative's costs exceed prove to be too much this early in steems lifecycle, to the other forms of value that can potentially be harnessed, like utilizing the sharing economy to get lodging from other steemians.
-Check out and upvote to support @richardcrill's Blog. All SBD earned goes toward paying for others to go to steemfest!
Upvote and support his efforts by supporting quality updates on the SteemfestDreamers Sub-Steemit

#3 w/ $ @nonlinearone of Project Thunderwhale
Are you a minnow or are you a Krill? Steem's powerup incentives algorithm currently is set to N^2 (with N = Number of SteemPower tokens). So you have 10SP, you have 100 voting weight. However, if you have 100SP, you have 10,000 voting weight. See the difference in voting power?
Magnify it to a whale with 4 million steempower and that account has 16,000,000,000,000 (trillion) voting power! This is a lot of power (and responsibility). But many steemians would like to have a more equal power ratio. @Nonlinearone joins us to with a New Initiative to help out with his lessthankrill problem. It is called the #thunderwhale!
So what if you could join a group of people on steemit and give them the power to upvote together on posts? Accumulating pools of Steem Power (SP) gives the same benefits of N^2 that whales enjoy--so @nonlinearone shows us how he believes it may be possible to create a bot program that does just this!
As @nonlinearone states that this program will be open sourced, we talk about ways that it could be used to help organize both good and bad actions. @datasecuritynode briefly brings up the dichotomy of productive vs destructive aspects of its use, and we talk about the need to continue innovating, but be careful to find ways to fix flaws in design. Please join and participate in the thunderwhale whitepaper discussion to help us dive deeper into the positives vs the negatives and how to mitigate the negatives.
This last point brings us to @nonlinearone's purpose for joining us. He wants your feedback on the Thunderwhale Whitepaper v1.
Check out the @nonlinearone's Steemit Blog for Updates!
Upvote and support their efforts by supporting quality updates on the Thunderwhale Sub-Steemit.

#4 w/ $2.58 -- @good-karma of eSteem and SteemMonitor
@good-karma joins to ask the community for continued feedback on the user experience of the eSteem mobile phone wallet in the Google Play Android Marketplace. If you want to check it out, Download it Here. Get ready to use the feature to find people mentioning you on this app in the coming weeks!
He speaks with us as well about his application called "Steem Monitor" which is an app that is available that provides the following features:
- Steem Network Status
- Price Ticker for Steem and SBD
- Market Charts
- Top 70 Witness list w/ notifications for witness nodes
- Change websocket connection
- Enable notificaltion when participation is less than 75%
He is currently accepting feature requests and asked if there are any specific requests we might have.
Download Steem Monitor Here for IOS and Here for Android.
@good-karma answers a question regarding whether functionalities like @nonlinearone's thunderwhale project could be implemented directly in the eSteem wallet. @nonlinearone explains that there is very likely a way to safely accomplish add in such a feature to the wallet.
Check out the @good-karma's Steemit Blog for Updates!
Upvote and support his efforts by supporting quality updates on the eSteem Sub-Steemit.
Upvote and support his efforts by supporting quality updates on the Steem Monitor Sub-Steemit.
Have your own Project?
RSVP Here for Next Week's Hangout!
All BeyondBitcoin content is powered by Steemit.com so please join the new social media movement that enables Creative Commons content creators and Open Source developers to earn funding for participating in the community's growth and sustainence. Post to Steemit.com to earn and pay others with a simple upvote!
Please Support the wonderful artist @angsteem who brought us the artwork used to create today's beyondbitcoin cover image!
Hours of great content. Hope everyone enjoys and i encourage all to attend the live sessions every week and join the party!
Cheers Fuzzy :)
Great stuff!
I just got a chance to listen to this, great show!
Thanks for having me on! I had a great time!
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