Real-time Gridcoin blockchain charts via Netdata! [Open Source]
I've created a Gridcoin chart plugin for Netdata, it consists of a stats script to query the Gridcoin client and a chart plugin which reads the stats written to disk by the stats script.
See it in action:
Installation guide
- This has thus far only been tested on Ubuntu, it's likely that the script and the charts plugin will need some changes if your operating system is not compatible with bash. There are skeleton plugins for nodejs and python if you're interested in making your own plugin.
- This script assumes you've setup your fullnode using the autonode script, and have created the 'grc' alias for running the Gridcoin client under the 'gridcoin' user.
- You need to install Netdata (remember the pre-req section too).
- Once netdata has been installed, place the script somewhere memorable and run it using the command "source ./ >/dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &"
- Place the '' script into the "/usr/libexec/netdata/charts.d/" folder, and provide it full executable permissions "chmod +x"
- Edit the file "/etc/netdata/charts.d.conf" and set both 'enable_all_charts="yes"' and 'gridcoin="yes"'
- Execute "killall netdata" then "netdata"
- Navigate to IP:19999 and your Gridcoin charts should be shown!
Got ideas/suggestions for improvements?
Please do raise a GitHub issue, bonus points for pull requests!
Create your own netdata chart plugins for Bitshares, Steemit, etc! It enables anyone who runs a full node to display real-time blockchain data!

I'd appreciate any likes/retweets on twitter:
Cheers :)
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Thanks @twitterbot, I can always rely on you ;D
Retweeted :D Keep up the good work!
Very nice! BTW, the link to the stats connects via HTTPS but I get "Can’t connect securely to this page". Connecting with just HTTP works fine :)
Cool, looks like Steemit tries adding HTTPS onto hyperlinks which don't specify such a prefix. I've changed it to HTTP now.
I've also added an additional chart for network stake weight: