Steemit Community Future: Creators vs Consumers

in #beyondbitcoin7 years ago

I wanted to bring forth a few things @aviz85 said as a comment to a discussion in the Steemit Israel Facebook group, things that touched me and others. After reading this comment, I immediately felt the need to translate it into English and post it, and I'm doing that now with the author's blessing, as well as him being a beneficiary of the post. So here it goes:

Our world so far has been divided into two parts. The first part is made out of people who are interested in substantial matters, such as creation, cooperation, making the world around them a better place, fundamental social change and so on. Let us call them creators. The second part is made out of people who are preoccupied with the rat race of making ends meet, chasing wealth, status and pleasures of the moment. Let us call them consumers. It so happens that many times creators are poor and powerless, unappreciated by the consumers who constitute the majority of the population – and are therefor lack the power and resources to support their activities. The consumers are those who hold the "reality check": The ability to make things happen is significantly tied up with the energy contained in money – that subdues and overpowers everyone.

So, What STEEM is all about?

The way I see it (and took it to the next level) – STEEM is all about rendering the work of the creators significant, helping it achieve a long and enduring influence on our reality. If you're not a blogger / someone who seeks a vibrant virtual community / a geek who wants to contribute code / someone with great ideas who wants to share them –– but just someone who is looking for another way to gain passive or easy income –– then Steemit isn't the place for you.

In my eyes Steemit is, first and foremost, for those who are already creators and do it anyway, and the way our world is constructed has forced them to sacrifice their economic security while doing their creation for the greater good. You don't have to be very special person to find yourself in the creative, significant, contributing place. But some of us has neglected this place in ourselves and it takes more effort to find it again, to stay there, to make it shine. You don't have to be a professional blogger in order to create valuable posts, but you have to at least try, to sit down and invest the required minimal effort, the time and energy, the constructive attitude and intentions.

Steemit, and all the ecosystem around it, could change the world because it would turn people's priorities upside-down. The things that truly matter will become meaningful and significant when they will also get their financial justification and reward. This is the true beauty and power that lies in the vision and the promise to the world that is Steemit; and we, as the community of its users, are the ones responsible to see that it comes to life.


Agreed at 100% upvote. <3

😱 😲 😲 😵 😵
😻 😻

אתה חבר אמת אתה!!
You are a true mate!

💗 💗 💗

What's your take on the ratio:
creators vs. consumers?
Ever thoughts about this?

That's a good question. @aviz85 said there are more consumers. I think Steemit encourages you to become a creator, and this is what's this post is all about. I believe all of us are born creators, but modern society socializes almost everybody into consumers. And to be more precise, by consumers I don't intend to use the late capitalist meaning of the term, cause we all are consumers to a certain extant and it is almost impossible to live in the world and not be a consumer.

But I meant to use the term rather differently, in the sense of do you create new energy and share it with the world, or do you only consume the energy other people create?

Right, I understood you. consumers in consciousness who are actually survivers compared to creators. It may be equivalent to the servants-masters comparison.
My take on the numbers is 95%-5%.
But it's changing. As we speak. Thanks to platforms like Steemit, as you justly wrote in the post.

I think that kind of change already started with the social networks about a decade ago, but of course is an ongoing gradual process now accelerating. Crypto in general has a lot to do with that, and the millennials as a generation are not to be underestimated in that matter in my opinion. Also I would think the ratio changes locally and between societies, I would say Israel in general has (to my view) a higher percentage of creators when compared to, say, the US.

I am not familiar with the statistics.
Nevertheless, like you wrote, if people come to Steemit just to earn some bucks then they are not creators but survivors. Though, it's a start. At least they take control of their faith and grasp opportunities.

לפני בערך 8-9 שנים יצא לי לשמוע הרצאה של איזה יזם מצליח ששכחתי את שמו. כבר אז עוד לפני סטימיט הוא דיבר על כך שאנשים יעבדו בשביל לייקים. מעניין, חייב להזכר מי היה האיש
חחח. לא צוקי היה עוד קודם. הבחור קיבל השראה מצוקי ופייסבוק ופיתח את זה הלאה כשאמר שלייקים יהפכו למשכורת.

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