Ok, so you have some money, you have a plan for your money management and you have some rules. You have a system you are confident in. So where should you bet? Over the last 15 years I have had accounts with many, many sports books around the world. And without any doubt there is one sports book that I can recommend without any hesitation. And I do NOT get any benefit at all from this suggestion.
If you don’t believe me, then Google for best sports books, or sport book rank- ings or ratings — something along those lines and you will see that Pinnacle is one of the top listed, always. This is why I recommend Pinnacle.
They have, on average, the best prices for the major sports, without question.
- They have a strong and secure system of account management.
- They have very large limits on their bets, limits that you can see up front.
- They pay out without any hesitation.
5)They are quite happy for you to win. Do NOT, under any circumstances use a sports book based in the United Kingdom — it is just throwing your money away and they will not allow you to win. Nearly all United Kingdom sports books have a very poor reputation amongst professional gamblers.
The UK sports books not only offer poor odds, they regularly limit the bets, down to ridiculous levels of gamblers who are winning and getting money out of them can often be a long winded drama. They want people who lose, they don’t like winners. So one site that I always check before I bet on football is https://www.sportsgambler.com
Let me give you some real life examples of why you should use Pinnacle. In many US sports, Pinnacle will offer over $2.00 for the win on some spreads.
Usually they will offer you $1.95 In many competing sports books, you will be offered only $1.85-$1.90 for the winning your bet. You don’t have to be Einstein to work out that if you are getting $1.95 or more for your winning bets compared to only $1.85 then you are already much closer to betting success.
Clearly, with Pinnacle, you can achieve a lower success rate in picking winners in order to make achieve your financial goals.
There is no doubt to me that you should have a Pinnacle account. Pinnacle offers the best prices in the industry, couldn’t care less if you win, and will happily accept your $10,000 bet as much as your $1 bet. Now, if you are in the US, you will not be able to use Pinnacle.
If you are in the US, I recommend, Bookmaker (www.bookmaker.com), they are very strong, offer very good odds and will also accept large bets. You will notice there are many other sports books who offer all kinds of gimmicks to attract your business.
Yes, they may you offer you some “free” money if you open an account, but they do this because they know they will make a profit from you, and they ensure their success by implementing some very hard rules in the fine print.
I usually ignore these gimmicks. Ok, so you have your money in your Pinnacle or Bookmaker.com account, you have a money management plan and you have set yourself some rules. And you have your betting system. If you are new to all this, start out slow, put $100 in your account and see if you can make a profit over a few months.
Remember to keep to your plan and your strategy and record every bet you make. Remember to keep a separate fun account if you are likely to get frisky and throw money away. Don’t use your primary account for this. And remember to be patient.
Think of it as a business. You have a business plan, you make decisions based on logic. You work hard to make sure your plan works and you have done your research. Nobody is going to promise you its easy, but once you have the hang of it, you should be able to make yourself a nice 5% profit or more every year from sports betting.
Arbitrage betting is where you identify both sides of a bet with different sports books and it is impossible to lose. For example, team A, in a two result game, might be paying $2.05 for the win on Book A, whilst on Book B they are offering $2.03 for the opponent.
Doesn’t matter who you bet on, you are guaranteed to win a few %.
Every day, for a short period usually, there are betting opportunities where you will make money using this method. Logically, arbitrage system do work — BUT… there is a always a but, they are risky because it is nearly impossible to find enough sports books to give you enough opportunities for arbitrage betting and there are many sports books who will close your account or limit your bets if they suspect you are involved in this. You see, it’s this idea again that most sports books do not want you to win.
Pinnacle is one sports book where you can arbitrage. There are a few others but it’s a lot of work identifying the “arbs” as they are called, and then getting your money onto them quickly enough.
The other problem with arbing is that all your winning bets might fall with Book A, it increases whilst your Book B reduces to nothing. You then have to top up Book B. I have done arbitrage betting successfully, but it is a LOT of hard work for very little return.
You really need to have a big bankroll to start with if you are arbing and use an arbitrage service to locate the arbs. If you using arbitrage betting properly, you will ALWAYS win, it is guaranteed. Beware — DO NOT use United Kingdom based sports books for arbitrage betting.
You will have read about progressive betting systems. The authors of these systems can sound persuasive. Ignore them. Progressive betting systems are NOT for you. They are very dangerous and can wipe out your entire bank account in a few days.
Do not ever use a progressive betting system. If you lose your money and you are continually falling further behind, then I suggest there is a flaw in your system or methodology. Don’t use any kind of progressive system to catch up. Don’t use any system that requires you to alter the amount of your bet