#The Diary Game#Better life#To See off a friend #21st April.
Have a good noon to all of you.Its Ansar Yasin here.I am again here with another dairy.
You all know that the blessed month of Ramadan is going on and every Muslim is benefiting from the blessings of this month given by Allah Almighty. I also offered Fajr prayers and recited the Holy Quran after performing Sehri today. Came home and fell asleep.

I got a call from a friend around 9 o'clock and he told me that he was going to Lahore by train today. I thought he would have the luggage so why not help him. I got out of bed and walked to the station where my friend was waiting for the train.
There are other people waiting for the train.I also went and met my friend and stood next to him there.When the train ticket was open, we also went to get the ticket, but there was a long queue of people.
We also lined up and after about ten to fifteen minutes of hard work we finally got the ticket.We talked for ten to fifteen minutes after getting the ticket and until the train arrived. The train stopped there for a few minutes and then left with all the passengers.