RE: Best Seasonal Thoughts: Happiness is a journey [ENG] Mejores Pensamientos de la Temporada: la Felicidad es un Camino [ESP]
Good morning, thank you very much for your support. I'm glad you liked my post. What I wanted to say in the post is that goals and objectives are important but more important is to enjoy the process of reaching them. It's no use having achievements if I'm unhappy chasing them. That's my thought. Regarding your blood glucose, seek advice from a nutritionist and there are also cookbooks with very good low glucose recipes. Send me a private please to recommend you one. I'm not doing it here because I don't want to advertise anything here, it's not appropriate. You should also keep in mind that glucose levels have a little bit to do with emotions too, at least that's what the doctor of a diabetic relative told me in a consultation. Have a New Year's Eve party surrounded by your loved ones and in peace. Greetings from Argentina.