Over 40 Supplements & Vitamins Routine
Hello everyone! Now I am going to share with you the vitamins and supplements I take daily to maintain good health every day.
Before I start, I'm in no way advocating that people run out and purchase these supplements, these are things that I take to help with issues that I have dealt with on and off throughout my life or certain health issues that run in my family that I'm trying to prevent happen.
OK the first supplement I take is Iron.
Now you do not go out and purchase iron supplements unless a doctor has specifically told you to do so. In my case have had anemia on and off since I was in my 20s I go for blood work once every six months to find out what my iron levels are and there was a time for about 10 years where I didn't take these at all but I've recently started taking them again because I am pre-menopausal and my cycle is a little bit more frequent and often.
Now blood loss caused my anemia to come back so I take a Megafood specific supplement called blood builder. It is the only one that isn't harsh on my stomach iron supplements can be very hard to take for a lot of people.
The best way to take this is with vitamin C, given people struggle taking iron supplements as it can be difficult getting the iron to absorb into your blood. So typically, I make a green smoothie with lots of mango and spinach and kale. This in reality I cannot make mango, kale and spinach smoothies every single day, so on the days where I don't feel like combining my iron with vitamin C in my food I take a vitamin C supplement to help the iron absorb into my bloodstream.
The second supplement I take to help with my anemia is B12. I take B12 for two reasons; it is a supplement that helps with red blood cell production, good for people with anemia but also an essential vitamin humans need to function. This vitamin that is only found in animal products, and as I stopped eating meat about two years ago for health reasons, it makes sense.I also don't eat a lot of dairy products, although I eat pizza every now and then. I'll have cheese but I don't keep cheese in the house, I also don't drink milk or have it in the house. I think the only time I really have any sort of dairy is if I go out for ice cream so to make up for the lack of B12 in my diet. So the next vitamin I take is vitamin D. This is a unique vitamin because we can't get it from foods, it comes from the Sun. So there's two problems when it comes to my lifestyle, the first one is I don't tan I have been religiously wearing sunscreen since I was 13 because I had one too many family members ending up with some sort of skin cancer due to over exposure to the Sun. I made a decision that I was going to go out of my way to protect my skin however when you wear sunscreen all the time and you're not getting vitamin D. Sunscreen can also lead to a vitamin D deficiency, this effects your bone density and development of osteoporosis, especially in women. The second reason why I take vitamin D is because I live in Canada. So hypothetically speaking, from October to March I dont get vitamin D from the Sun. I wear turtlenecks and hoodies, parkas ... therefore why vitamin D is part of my supplement routine. The next supplement is a Probiotic.
I started taking these when I was in my 20s when I had yeast infections, brought on by my horrendous diet. I was a fast food junkie, I ate a very high sugar diet. So two things happened; I cleaned up my diet, stopped eating processed food all the time and added Probiotic supplement. By doing this the yeast infections completely disappeared. Now as I haven't had issues since so I take these supplements as a sort of as a preventative measure (I don't know if anything would happen if I stopped taking these, I just know. The next supplement I'm taking is omega-3. I take one with a high level of EPA and DHA. I initially started taking this because back in the day research stated omega-3s are good for heart disease prevention. As heart disease runs in my family, I continued to take these because I also have a mild form of depression (called SAD :seasonal affective disorder), which is basically caused by a lack of sunlight. Being cooped up inside all winter long means little Sun exposure. The supplements make me less anxious and less depressed so for that reason I have continued to incorporate these into my daily routine. So that's all the vitamins I take in my daily routine I hope you guys benefit from this content.