How to Improve Yourself Every Day
Are you happy with the current version of you?
You shouldn't be!
The best lifelong goal that anyone can have is to improve themselves continually every day.
Why? Because it is a goal that never ends. It lasts till your dying day and it means no regrets as you have put your all into every day.
Live is short, so we need to live it to the best of our abilities and we can make our abilities better every day.
The earlier in your life you realize this the better, don't settle for a mediocre existence where you are swept along with the waves of society. Stand up and get what you want.
It also never too late to realize this either.
Just think what you want it to say on your tombstone.
Stop, take stock and think about who you are and where you want to go and do something every day to get there. It doesn't have to be massive steps either, just baby steps, but just doing something will build up and make you feel invincible and want to do more.
I wish I took stock earlier, but I have mentally wiped out the last ten years of my life (except my beautiful children of course). My lesson from that is to take people as they are. They won't change unless they want to.
But anyway, Steemit is a life changer for many and there are many Discord groups full of different communities.
A particular favorite Discord Group of mine is the Politically Incorrect Steemians who's first rule has just be changed to:
It might sound harsh, but it is a great motivator and there is an amazing bunch of ambitious and motivated people in there, led by
the super determined @valorforfreedom.
The group is about 10 days old, but it is really active and hugely supportive and definitely not as offensive (much) as it might sound at first.
@valorforfreedom has been making sure that I post every day, something I have not always been so consistent with, but for the most part, I have been successful. He will call me out in my comments, as I have given my word that I will do this every day.
I have spent most of my life surrounded by mess and chaos, so Philip has given me baby steps each day to clear my space, so my mind becomes less of a mess and my goals are clearer to achieve (and nothing has worked so well in the little progress I have made).
So this is what I've done so far...
Day 1: Cleared my desktop (it was full of icons, now down to 12)
Day 2: Follow only the Steemians that you like to read the stuff from
Day 3: Leave the discord channels that you are not active in
Day 4: Clean bedroom (it has not been as tidy as it is now for the 2 and a half years I have lived in the place). Feels more peaceful already.
Day 5: Clean kitchen (today's task). I'm halfway through it (my 6-year-old has just had the most ear-piercing hour long screaming tantrum over something so little, but I will still get it finished). Had just a few dishes to do...
(There is even more there than it looks too)
Small changes that will make a big difference.
Are you ready for a daily improvement challenge?
And to become the most ambitious and motivated version of you?
Then join the Politically Incorrect Steemians.
This is easier said than done, how exactly do you know if your improving yourself, tidying up a bit each day i.e doing the same thing surely won't get you anywhere...or will it?
P.s Being politically correct is Bullshit, polititions are corrupt liars and hopefully one day the people will take over.
Firstly, we'd love to see you in the politically incorrect discord group, we are are all open minded there.
Secondly, It is not the same thing everyday, my flat has been a mess of chaos for a long time, so now its clean (a) its manageable on a day to day basis and (b) less chaos on the eye means less chaos is in the brain and I can feel the difference already, especially in the problem-solving sense, it is clearer.
Yes, little by little. In Malaysia, we have a phrase that goes by 'sikit-sikit, lama menjadi bukit' which means little by little, eventually it will become a hill in the end.
I like that phrase.
I love the tip of working on small things each day. It really builds up!
Indeed it does.
Always 1.00% better each day.
absolutely right...upvoted
I just cleaned up the list of people I follow here, and it felt great.
Love staying focused on progress!
110% hard ambition.
Lazy people and losers can go to hell.
Thats the summary of life really...
Many people wait until they do the one BIG THING not knowing that they are getting to opportunity to do great things every single day.
Its not a very difficult thing to do once we can dedicate and focus on the little things.
Politically Incorrect works for me just fine. When you are around people also motivated just like you, you have no choice but to be motivated too...
Cheers @hopehuggs and @valorforfreedom.
100upvd and resteemed!
Excellent way to show how the small steps taken each day can determine your jumps of tomorrow, never stop, always have in your mind the main reason why you want to improve your life helps you to keep the focus at 110%, see the daily results of your achievements motivates you and excites you to continue without even getting tired, why, because what you do is not forced, it is natural and you have a vision that cannot be erased by indifference.
Let us always give our best effort and the victory will be ours! :)
The habit of daily self-improvement is invaluable. I now have to clean the rest of my house today, which if you could see this place is a very challenging task! But it will be done and then tomorrow who knows what that will bring, but it will feel good and there will be more focus.
One should try to make his best everyday

This is just the beginning.
Good work Helen.
Onwards to victory, riches & power!
Yes, here's to learning more and the riches (money and life ones) that go alongside that.
As much as self-improvement is concerned, it's easier said than done. But I think with daily improvement challenges, it's gonna get easier.
Thanks for sharing @hopehuggs. You're a strong mum indeed.
Thank you, It actually feels good to be able to visually see the changes around me today, with the tidyness thing.