Party Favors For Those Who Like To ParTY!

in #berniesanders5 years ago (edited)


Who doesn't love a fun game, right? I woke up this morning to find @berniesanders calling a friend of mine names so, being the little internet troll that I am, I spoke up about it in my funny little way.

Bern's reaction was to attach his flagbots to me so they could autoflag everything I touch, and then to start wishing cancer on me (again). Observe~

At first, I was all, like, uh-oh! Guess I better not upvote anyone til he calls off the bots. Last time he pulled this move on me, it only lasted a day or two.

But then I got to thinking!

In my experience, most steemians are simply delightful people and it would suck to have this clown show up and rob them of rewards in retaliation for my, well.. let's face it... somewhat inappropriate, mildly provocative (and wholly unapologetic) humor. But I have run across a couple of individuals on the Steem Blockchain who absolutely deserve a hearty flagging. Anyone who's been here long enough surely has met one or two they wouldn't mind seeing getting a nice little zap!

Let's bust this piñata open while we still have the bat!


If you know of anyone you think would be a good recipient of this gift, Bernadette has given me, please link the post in the comments below. My rules are simple:

  1. The person must be notorious for jerkiness
  2. The post must be before it's payout date
  3. I may decide to not upvote your submission, according to my own discretion
  4. I haven't thought this through, so I may be adding more rules as the day goes on
  5. If you're submitting something, you should resteem this here post because it will doubtlessly be invisible 20 seconds after I complete it.
  6. If you're an especially funny, brave type of person and would like a flag from Bernie on your own post, I will be happy to oblige!

Here's a little mood music to get you in the party state of mind!



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