RE: steemit homos & pedos & @berniesanders circle jerk
please, i understand your a grown man & can do as you wish- but please don't post here.
Bernie may be a combination of an AI Persona - where a HUMAN comes in & monitors it- or uses the account as well. Or he is just plain retard. Either way there are no telling how many accounts of Whales & dolphins are not REAL PEOPLE- but actually belong to just a handful of people- like 10 different whales & 15 smaller accounts = are all 1 person. They are many of them- with the inside crew of when steemit was originally launched.
This steemit platform has been a Psy-Op & Controlled experiment of the deep state (Dan larimer as their front man) since the beginning. It was designed to be a advertisement for the EOS scam that raked them in $1 Billion dollars in EOS. Also Steemit itself has been used as both a Money Laundering Tool & a milking platform. You may have no idea how many MILLIONS of Dollars are moved on & off this platform back & forth between STeemit users & their Private Cryptocurrency Exchange accounts.
It has also been used as a testing ground for "AI generated Personas". I'm not talking bots- but AI poersonas that masquered as people. BUT- there are people behind those AI accounts- that jump in & take them over every so often. Like A Tesla Car Driving itself- but then The Human behind the wheel can Take over The Driving"
there have been other angles tested out here as well.