Bernie Isn't Bernie Any More

in #bernie7 years ago


My adult son and I were avid Bernie fans. We both thought at last there was a sane candidate we could support. Someone who genuinely wanted the world to become a better place and not the hellhole of lies and corruption we see all around the political arena.

I once heard Bernie “live” and he mentioned retirees who “actually have to live on $1,000 per month! Can you imagine that?” he said. My thoughts: Whoa! I live on way less than that! It was nice to hear someone who had the slightest inkling of what some of us baby boomers are experiencing. I won’t wax on about all the things that impressed me about that man.

I will wax off about my disbelief as I watched the primaries. Precinct after precinct reported not allowing Independents (who had re-registered as Democrats) (so they could vote for Bernie) to vote. Precinct after precinct forced many of these mostly-millennial voters to sign “provisional ballots” which were not counted at all and/or thrown away. Poll-workers were seen and reported carrying boxes of ballots “home with them”. The reports were often and many.

Somehow, over a one-year-or-so period, we managed to send Bernie’s campaign over $200. We believed he was running for President. We sent money to HIM, to HIS CAMPAIGN, little bits at a time.

We thought the Dems were playing by the rules and that surely the “super delegates” would wake up and smell the coffee - that there was a new sheriff in town and he had millions of willing supporters.

My dismay was profound that Bernie did not “contest” the primaries at the convention. I bottomed-out when he endorsed HRC, she-who-shall-not-be-named. What? Did they have some kind of deal? That he would round-up the young voters and lead them to her? That he would be on a long leash as long as he continued to bring in tens of millions of dollars to the DNC, under HRC’s control.

I now watch him grimly, as grim as he appeared the night the DNC nominated HRC. He says ridiculous things about Syria, such as “Assad, the brutal dictator.” Huh? Anyone who really pays attention has known for several years that Assad did not gas his own people. And, worse, about Russia! The invented lie that Russia interfered (effectively? Hahahaha - no) with the 2016 elections, that lie, is absurd. They did not interfere, though some individuals might have played at it, for fun. And it was not effective, though HRC has chosen this narrative to explain her defeat by Donald Trump, the rogue Rodney Dangerfield. It has recently been pointed out that the $26,000+- spent on social media (facebook) ads was mostly spent FOLLOWING the election in November 2016. This was verified by Rob Goldman, Vice President of Advertising for Facebook, though he has since vaguely apologized for “…seeming to contradict [Mueller’s] statements…”

As we inch closer to the stupidest military confrontation in history, over memes, I continue to shake myself because I must be dreaming! And Bernie Sanders has inserted himself into the fray - at whose bidding? His own? Did he burst a blood vessel to his brain during the rugged primary campaign season? Has he been blackmailed as this “House of Cards-like” scenario continues to be played-out?

Is the next chapter - “Hillary Gets her War After All”??? Will she finally get to taste, er, see Russian blood? Will Trump manage to broker some kind of peace agreement at the last minute? But in the meantime, the cold war rhetoric is nightmarish and Orwellian. Some will make a lot of money from this, and that is where we should all be looking. Yet Bernie Sanders has taken a stand against a country that has done nothing to him, his HRC, his DNC, nothing.

This reminds me of the South Park movie where a group of angry mothers "Blamed Canada" for bad potty mouth cartoons and started a war over it. People are actually working themselves into a state of being "offended" by what? I thought we determined "The Russians love their children too" during the 1986 Academy Awards, thanks to Sting…

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