:open letter to one friend/author in Berkeley:
A new friend/famous author of the Left emailed me a strong dislike of Trump. Here was my reply:
...my wife hates him too- 😭 When Im mad at her or need alone time, I ask her if she wants a kiss or an ass-grab from Trump 😂
These are polarized times indeed. I would love to chat politics with you as long as Im not going to cause you to have a cerebral aneurysm.
(grab a glass of red wine & breath deep before proceeding.....)
........ok.......... still there?
All the vitriol you feel towards Trump is EXACTLY how I feel about Hillary/antifa/& most (but not all) liberals in general. The tension during the elections was so high I almost lost my mind. I couldn't sleep. Had Hillary won, I think I might have put a bullet in my brain.
Trump has not quite lived up to all of his promises, but I think he's doing pretty good. I think his boyish jabs at Kim Jong Un reminded me of Mel Brook's "spaceballs"
I can see your swartz is as big as mine, but do you know how to USE IT??
Childish, yes. dangerous- quite possibly. But the thing is, few are stupid enough to WANT to start a nuclear war with the new power blocks(Russia, Iran, China, N Korea)- Not Putin, not Trump, not Ayatollah Whatshisface. Everyone knows it would be a near-extinction level event. Trump said the following on the campaign trail
"The biggest threat facing the world is not global warming, but NUCLEAR warming"
He won me over with that one pretty quickly but I had liked him very much as a student of high-performance people & entrepreneurs- who I listen to for inspiration as such.
I read Napoleon Hill's "Think & grow rich" a while ago and it blew me away. Its a synthesis of 'new thought' (which is a metaphysical disposition on life) written under the tutelage of Carnegie. Hill claims the book took 20 + years to write. All the robber baron luminaries are mentioned- in many cases including their 1st hand advise.
Anyway Trump is certainly no psychopath, but Hillary certainly is one- she devastated Libya & Gaddafi & much of the middle East because her Rothschild(See: the Yinnon plan) owners commanded it. I see her as the PR-face of a global/Zionist mafia that would have opened the borders & further wrecked America.
Trump hasn't built the wall (sad) He gave amnesty to the DACA folks (sad) He's back-peddled on a lot for what people like me really liked about him, but the pressures of the job are enormous & he is probably the most hated president of all time (absolutely in my lifetime.)
Pertaining to the zionist gangsters that own our media, Hollywood, our banks, our newspapers, our schools & just about everything else: They own Trump too. He's not as principled and "America 1st" as he pretended to be
Julian Assange tweeted this brilliantly astute, courageous, & poignant point not long ago
Inline images 1
So no...he hasnt turned out to be the jesus christ I was hoping for (but I had the same eschatological hopes placed in barack 'not-a-single-day-without-bombing-someone-in-my-entire-presidency o'bomber who ended up being the worst president of all time after the Texan village idiot & globalist puppet G.W. Bush) But, Bushes entire cabinet were all dual-Israeli jews from the PNAC (project for New American Century) So while a consummate imbecile, we don't know how complicit the double-digit IQ yahoo was in the whole process
Trump is owned by the same crew. So tragically the virus behind everything that makes America 'not-so-great' is still firmly entrenched
Im not opposed to immigration- I AM ONE! But the thing is the old school immigrants came with gratitude, a work ethic, & a deep humility that the fake-refugees (economic refugees) simply do not possess. They come to France, & Germany and get on welfare(about 97% of them) & they rape the women to death. In germany a woman is raped every 8 seconds. Sweden has the lofty epithet 'rape capitol of the west' And Paris is now an abject s-h-i-t-h-o-l-e (had to say it 😂😂😂)
Heres what Europe really looks like now (as opposed to what fake zio-media tells you it looks like)
Anyway, I hope we can still be friends. I know some of this might be shocking, but its all quite easily verified. I'd be happy to chat more about it. Im super open minded & considered it my earmark to change my opinion upon finding superior evidence. Sadly, the best evidence is quite gloomy
5 dancing Israelis
Israeli role in 9/11:
Alan Sabroky on 9/11
when the two 5-years olds (Trump & Kim jong un) were bickering back & forth here's what I was thinking of: