Berith Hybrid Blockchain Video
See more on how Berith’s Hybrid Blockchain works. This is the future hybrid blockchain technology.
The hybrid platform that provides the ability to access and restrict information by the authority.
Hybrid blockchain platform that combines the benefits of the private and public blockchain.
It is a hybrid blockchain service that appropriately combines the public distributed chain technology of the public blockchain and the viewable data distribution technology of the private blockchain.
Configuring a blockchain that matches user purpose & attributes
Setting various conditions for the cryptocurrency to ensure that accurate and legitimate transactions occur for the purpose and destination of the cryptocurrency.
For example, we developed and released a new regional cryptocurrency using private blockchain technology as a means of solving problems such as the existing local currency fraud, enabling the national budget to be spent on accurate purposes and targets.
Managing blockchain network (platform manager)
Blockchain Platform Manager makes it easy to install blockchain networks and add, delete, and monitor installed nodes.
Also, the platform manager also provides performance tuning to enable node-to-node servers to be set up and changed according to their situation.