Rohingya Immigrants Live Ramadan at SKB Bireuen Before Moved to Langsa

in #berita7 years ago


Bupati Bireuen together with Forkopimda members Coordination Meeting (Coordination) Meeting with officials of Asdep 3 / V Kamtibmas Menkopolhukam RI, UNHCR, IOM, Basarnas, Immigration and other relevant officials discuss Rohingya immigrant refugee status accommodated in Learning Activity Building (SKB) they landed on the beach of Kuala King Bireuen on 20 April 2018, the meeting took place in the hall meeting room Office of Bireuen SKB, Thursday (3/5/2018) at approximately 14:30 pm

Bireuen H Saifannur, S.Sos said, "that IOM should improve the base camp for good sanitation and we agree that the refugees (Rohingya-red immigrants) we will bring to Langsa and check all their needs," he said.

Rakor Forkopimda Bireuen with UNHCR Officials, IOM from Jakarta as well
Other Related Officials in the Meeting Room Hall of SKB Bireuen Office

He continued, "The holy month of Ramadhan is very sad, I am sorry to express the phrase, the month of worship is the happy month of the month, let them be here until the feast day, for it to be changed sanitation, beds and others so they can stay in Langsa"


He added, "It is not impossible for the refugees to come again, because we (Bireuen-red) are in the Strait of Malacca and the Indian Ocean, hopefully not to come again, we will not deter, but if come how else," H Saifannur


Then during the press conference after the meeting to the media crew, Regent Saifannur, re-affirmed, "They we accommodate here because God's creature, not the feel of politics but the nuances of humanity.Hopefully Bireuen could be an example" hope

Bireuen H Saifannur, S.Sos and Asdep 3 / V Kamtibmas Kemenkopolhukam RI
Brigadier General Drs. Chairul Anwar, SH, MH during Press Release Related Coordination Meeting

Meanwhile, Asdep 3 / V Kamtibmas Kemenkopolhukam RI Brig. Gen. Drs. Chairul Anwar, SH, MH said, "In Coordination we have agreed several things, for the refugees in Bireuen a total of 79 people and in East Aceh a number of 5 people will be united and transferred to shelters in Langsa City"

"Because in Langsa City 2015 has already accommodated Rohingya refugees and their shelters are still feasible and the ministry can make improvements and be supported by International Organization for Migration (IOM) which we provide for a month" he said

It is said by Chairul, "Why are they being moved, because this (Bireuen-red SKB) is not a temporary shelter, but a place of teacher training center that is needed by the Bireuen regency so we need to prepare a place for them (Rohingya-red immigrants) longer".


"In this case we are working together with UNHCR in the United Nations (UN) commission to look after the refugees to take steps in the process of finding recipient countries and also possible family unification where their families are located," Chairul

"To the Bireuen regency we thank you for accommodating Rohingnya refugees and treat them extraordinarily humanely by providing facilities and logistical support both from Pemkab and assistance from the community" pungkasnya

Appeared to be present, Bireuen Regent, H Saifannur, S. Sos, Deputy Assistant 3 / V Kamtibmas Menkopolhukam RI Brig. Gen. Pols Drs. Chairul Anwar, SH, MH, Dir. Basarnas Pusat Brigjen TNI (MAR) Bambang Suryo Aji, Head of Immigration and Deportation Detection Sub Directorate General Immigration Jaya Saputra, SH, M.Si, Head of UNHCR Center. Thomas Vargas, Kakan SAR Aceh Hari Hadi Purnomo, SH, Regional Westren Regen IOM Mariam, Kadinsos Aceh Alhudri, Kadinsos Bireuen Drs. Murdani, Chairman of DPRK Bireuen Ridwan Muhammad, SH, M.Si, Sekda Bireuen Ir.Zukifli, Sp, Wakapolres Bireuen Kompol Charlie Syahputra Bustaman, S.IK, Pasi Intel Kodim 0111 / Bireuen Captain Inf.Adi Boy, Danramil Kota Juang. [SR]

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