Confess his father wrapped in forest, then this student prostrate in front of haji uma and untung sungaji ( Curhat ayahnya dililit hutang, anak ini sujud syukur didepan haji uma dan untung sangaji )

in #berita7 years ago


  • Confess his father wrapped in forest, then this student prostrate in front of haji uma and untung sungaji *
    Miratul Jannah, student of SMAN 1 Tanah Jambo Aye, North Aceh, prostration of gratitude in front of senator from Aceh H Sudirman alias Haji Uma and North Aceh Police Chief AKBP Ahmad Untung Surianata aka Untung Sangaji, Friday (9/2/2018).

Student from Asan Village, Madat Subdistrict, East Aceh, admitted grateful when hearing the explanation of Haji Uma and Untung Sangaji will find a solution to the problems he faced with his family.
Miratul including poor students who excel in the school.
"My father has been long gone to Malaysia because of his illegally borrowed debt, I miss my father, we want to gather with father just like any other child, even though our life is poor, until now we have no home, so stay at home people until now, "Miratul said.
Therefore, he hopes to the government through Haji Uma and AKBP Untung Sangaji can help ease the burden of the family.

When hearing Haji Uma and the North Aceh Police Chief would find a solution to the problem, the student immediately fell in love before both, as well as hundreds of students and teachers who attended the socialization activities of the four pillars of nationality at the school.

Curhat ayahnya dililit hutang, anak ini sujud syukur didepan haji uma dan untung sangaji
Miratul Jannah, siswi SMAN 1 Tanah Jambo Aye, Aceh Utara, sujud syukur di hadapan ‎anggota DPD RI asal Aceh H Sudirman alias Haji Uma dan Kapolres Aceh Utara ‎AKBP Ahmad Untung Surianata alias Untung Sangaji, Jumat (9/2/2018).

Siswi asal Desa Asan Kecamatan Madat, Aceh Timur,‎ mengaku bersyukur ketika mendengar penjelasan Haji Uma dan Untung Sangaji akan mencari solusi terhadap persoalan yang ia hadapi bersama keluarganya.
Miratul termasuk siswi miskin yang berprestasi di sekolah tersebut.
"Ayah saya sudah lama merantau ke Malaysia karena banyak dililit utang secara ilegal. Saya rindu sama ayah, kami ingin berkumpul dengan ayah sama seperti anak yang lain, meskipun hidup kami miskin. Sampai sekarang kami tak memiliki rumah, ‎jadi tinggal di rumah orang sampai sekarang," kata Miratul.
Karena itu, ia berharap kepada pemerintah melalui Haji Uma dan AKBP Untung Sangaji dapat membantu meringankan beban keluarga.

Ketika mendengar Haji Uma dan Kapolres Aceh Utara akan mencari solusi terhadap persoalan tersebut, siswi itu langsung sujud syukur di hadapan keduanya, serta ratusan siswa dan guru yang hadir dalam kegiatan sosialisasi empat pilar kebangsaan di sekolah itu.(*)

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