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RE: Are you prepared???!!!...
Yeah the world is shifting towards cryptocurrency. But alot of people are into it, thinking about them dollars, Euros, whatever. This maintains the importance of fiat money..and this was thought of on porpose.
The bitcoin paper just appeard when it was most needed, right? What a miracle lol
Us dollar might not have the same importance it had at one point in time, and it might not have it again, but it will still be an importante store of value. One of the main ones. At least during the time we still use fiat money.
Yes so what I'm saying is correct right.....
To some degree, but it's not the end of the world. There is world behond the US ;)
To people who have no idea and have all their savings in US dollars would seem like the end of the word to them. If you have been paying any attention you would know there are other avenues to go down in terms of storing wealth. But sheep in the us know only US dollars so yes I stand behind what I was saying that people should prepare whether it's bit coin or any other crypto or store of wealth!!!
But if alot of people start to do that in the US, then yes, the crisis is really, and it will get ugly. Because if people start to take their money off the banks to buy Crypto, it might come to a point where even your government won't let them. It's a two way knife, however you say it in English 😂
Eather way people are scared to do so, and they trust the banks more, and the money they can see with their eyes and touch with their hands. And for the time being that will keep things balanced. I hope.
People in the us don't understand that the rules have changed. When you put your money in a bank you become an unsecured creditor and they now own your money. If they have a bad Derivative bet you can kill your money good bye!!!! Most poeple are sheep in the us....