Reality Check: 3 Things You Need to Know About Why These News Anchors Are Parroting the Same Script

in #benswann7 years ago

There is a new video making the rounds of news anchors from Sinclair owned TV news stations across the nation, all saying the exact same thing. The video compiles them parroting the same script. So why are these new anchors reading like drones, and is there a bigger issue here? This is a Reality Check you won't get anywhere else.

▶️ DTube

You are doing an amazing job Ben! Upvoted!!

The viral video is difficult to talk about. There were stories about it on the Conservative internet media that I usually consume and then there were stories about it on the Liberal media that blamed President Trump for it.

I agree with the message about fake news. It is unfortunate that political messages are being broadcast on ALL of the news stations and the National news stations (what is usually considered the MSM) push false stories all the time based on fake data inspired by Hillary's dirty-trick campaign style.

How else would the President fight back against someone and her cronies who won't concede the election to the voters than to hire Sinclair?

That being said, political messages don't belong on news stations that are supposed to have unbiased journalism that tell people what is going on. The Sinclair message is just as repetitive as the false messaging that comes from MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, WashPo, NYTImes, HuffPo, etc..

While I agree politically with the Sinclair message and the need to fight back against the corporate media, I don't agree with the spreading of political propaganda in general. Unfortunately, we live in a world where politicians, banksters, and CEOs think it is ok to lie in the medium where people used to get the information they needed to be educated voters. They do it for personal gain and do not care about the citizens of our country.

It apparently worked out for you in the end, within your difficulty to talk about the subject in the first sentence, after reading through the length of the comment. Also, have you ever considered that both political parties continue to divide the populace with this propaganda you are aware of, rather than bring them together? Even as far as to say: Could it all be a two party paradigm of puppetry whose jobs are lobbied for by corporate interests, within a privately owned monetary system, to push an agenda upon a debt enslaved, drug induced population brainwashed into thinking someone needs to rule them?

No, it's banking that funds the MSM. Follow the money, who benefits?

No, you've never considered it, or just no it's too much to comprehend? I never said banking didn't fund mainstream media, and if you really do follow the money, you'll see it extends further up than media companies.

No, it's not the MSM or

a two party paradigm of puppetry whose jobs are lobbied for by corporate interests, within a privately owned monetary system, to push an agenda upon a debt enslaved, drug induced population brainwashed into thinking someone needs to rule them?

It's simply banking and banksters.

Well, I'm glad you have it all figured out!

You must strike at the root.

Thanks for mentioning DTube again! Your audience is high-quality, so having more of them over here would be a great thing.

Would be good to mention the "Hundredth monkey effect" next week.. Although it may still be "unexplained" it is extremely valuable to have this in mind when thinking about synchronized wise-spread propaganda.

aka the mandela effect

This only proves that MAINSTREAM Media is controlled by the same people!

This video gonna be so viral. It's so funny to me.

I saw another video like this about "the easter bunny losing the hop in his step" and it's not just a group of channels. These scripts often come right from the government. The dangerous thing about this particular message is its attack on "fake news". I'm glad you are tackling this issue. We live in a constitutional republic, not a simple democracy. We have a "ministry of propaganda" a la 1984.

Hahahahaha! I heard about this, so funny! (Though on a serious note, it's a HUGE problem, in terms of mainstream media's propaganda being drilled into the sheeple's heads) Hopefully "real news" will win and the sheeple will wake up to realize how much they've been lied to.
Thanks for sharing Ben Swann! Love your videos! So glad I came across you on here!

Uh, someone made a mistake while programming these drones, fix it.

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