If youknow this thing : Fatou Bensouda - you are an enemy of the war empire
family, friends, countrmen, teachers, bosses, fianciers, what ever, including americans having became Domestic enemies (and if you fled away... hmmm thank you, it will always be a pleasure to find you and blast you from the sky or ground).
be safe. war is gonna be short...
and this has nothing to do with her melanin or xx chromosom... nothing at all...
she and all like her will understand the price to threaten American Soldiers...
and the only price is death... of everything you knew... everything.
time to destroy gambia too... I don't care, 80% population collapse there...
they have to learn... all ... worldwide.
none. does. that.
and then when you will see ruins, and only dust of former life, you will think... and think... and think more... and finally bow your little heads and understand that no money from sorros or bloomberg or hitlary can bring what is gone to life... nothing.
war by the void.
there is a few things I don't joke about in this reality, this is one of them.
if there is a problem with an american soliders you can always complain to the chain of command, write to the pentagon... etc... never involved foreigners. never.