5 belief Domains

in #belief7 years ago

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Belief is the state of mind in which a person thinks something to be the case with or without there being empirical evidence to prove that something is the case with factual certainty.

The 5 belief domains are namely - superiority, injustices, vulnerability, helplessness & distrust
These five Domains were selected on the basis of a review of relevant literature and discussion with expert practitioners and scholars in this field. Our specific interest was to identify beliefs directly relevant to distress or conflict at both the individual and group levels.

Superiority beliefs rest on the conviction of being better than others. When adopted in reference to one’s personal world, this belief often takes the form of standing above the norms and rules that govern the actions of other people, often leading to expressions of arrogance and harsh judgments of others that create difficulties in interpersonal relationships.

The vulnerability domain is characterized by the view that the world is the adangerous and risky place, where safety and security are elusive, and individual or collective threats seem omnipresent.

At both the individual and group levels, the injustice domain involves the perception of being the victim of mistreatment by others. When this belief is activated in reference to an individual’s personal world, the grievances are often focused on those people perceived to have been the source of betrayal or the cause of disappointment.

The distrust domain focuses on the presumed hostility and malicious intent
of others.

Helplessness beliefs involve the perceived inability to influence or control
events and outcomes.
Image and content source: Google image

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