Behind the curtain Challenge
Thank you @robmenzies for the nomination. The challenge is as quoted below:
"@freedomtowrite started a challenge a few days ago . Her #behindthecurtain challenge is designed to give us all a little peek into your world! Where do you STEEM from? We want to see! We want to connect your posts with YOU!!! If you're like me - you like to be a little bit mysterious ;) That's OK! You can remain anonymous! We don't need to see your picture... just let us see your view!
Tell us as much as you feel comfortable telling, just have fun!
and STEEM ON, fellow Steemians! I have a feeling this rocket is going BEYOND the moon!"
So... This is where I 'Steem' from. My desk at my place of work, mostly. Monday to Friday between the hours of 8am and 5pm, I will be at this desk, producing architectural drawings and blogging my underground adventures. Outside of these hours, it's all done via my Samsung S8+ smartphone!
You should be able to notice when I am at a computer or not, as you will notice little spelling mistakes when writing from my smartphone. This isn't due to me spelling wrong; its just a combination of touch screen, rushing and if I'm truly honest, when I'm drunk, I have been known to save an incorrect spelling to the dictionary... This then causes correctly spelled words to auto-correct to an incorrect spelling... ****DOH***
Now then, being relatively new to Steemit, I don't have that many people I know on a personal level. Those who I do speak to regularly and have had conversations with, appear to have already been nominated. So I will choose 5 of my favorite steemer's, that haven't been nominated yet to my knowledge. (if you find time, I know you're the busiest steem user I know)
@storminatcup (find that password mate)
@danielles (sorry to disturb your crochet'ing)
@stefglazby (working away currently may never see this one)
@eyeofthemind (sorry to interrupt Assassin's Creed, New DLC out today! Wahoo)
Hey there @praada, it's nice to meet you! Thank you for doing the challenge! I Steem from my phone as well, if I'm not at the library, so I understand phone typos. Sometimes mine will delete whole words! I hope you have a wonderful day, and I'm following you now. 😊
Thank you I have returned the favour and followed you too :)
I thought for sure we would see a cave!!!!hehehhee