Second and third entry to the Ewuoso's beer drinking contest
Hi guys, today is the last day of the beer drinking contest organized by the famous @ewuoso
Basically, the contest is all about drinking of 120cl quantity of beer. The fastest time wins.
Apparently, after my first entry: time record of 63seconds was beaten by the likes of @gallentmayor (56seconds) ans @tony-duke (45 seconds) and @ewuoso himself(46 seconds). I decided to give it another trial and with the aim of beating their time records.
My second entry was tougher. It took me 44seconds to gulp my two bottles of "33" lager beer. But due to the tipsiness of the photographer himself. He restarted the time at 44secs and stopped it at 46secs.
Just for the fun of it. I decided to try one last time again. And this time I finished my drink in 43seconds.
Impressive isn't it??? I'm bad like that.

So today is unfortunately the last day. Some requirements for the challenge wasn't met but I sure did have fun. So win or no win. I enjoyed every minute of the challenge.
Thanks to @ewuoso for organising such great contest!!!