Beer Saturday! Its a brew day!
Hi Fellow steemians.
Here is a #beersaterday entry.
We are brewing our Crank Biter Bitter Today.
The recipie cut from our Develoment site.
Grain Bill crankbiterbitter
Ingrediant Amount Unit Ingrediant Amount g Add Grain
Marus Otter Malt 12.00 lb Modify
crystal 20l 3.00 Modify
ESB Malt 3.00 Modify
Victory Malt 1.08 Modify
Wheat Malt 1.00 Modify
Hops Bill
Ingrediant Amount g Add Hop
Northern Brewer 90min 0.65 Modify
Goldings Hops 30min 0.30 Modify
Goldings Hops 15min 0.30 Modify
Ingrediant Amount lb Ingrediant Amount g Add Adjunct
Supper Charge 4.00 Modify
NaCl mash 1.00 Modify
NaCl mash 1.00 Modify
Irish Moss in boil 1.00 Modify
Nottingham yeast 0.00 Modify
Mashton Temp
Sparge temp
colour blond.
Some of our Beer Taps. The carving I did myself. The Biten Tire Was carved for the Tire Biter. Which is a part of the Biter Bitter series. Which todays brew is a part of.
The mushroom is are Nurvana which is made from Chantrel mushrooms. The Walnut on the end is of course our walnut brew.
This is were we are at with todays brew Rapidly boil wort!
Thanks for the read.
hey @shantamcbain, this taps look wonderful.
Make sure you add the link to your nice beer post to my weekly #BeerSaturday post as a comment.
We will choose the winners of our SBD prizes, only from that links we get in the comments.

Every other beer lover is more than welcome to this fun challenge
Was wondering how to do that. give it a go.