Run! It's The Brown Beers!

in #beer5 years ago


Hello yo! It be the best day of the week and no, I ain't talking about the day that the Missus washes that tired old grey bra. No, I'm talking about Beer Saturday!!!


Mild disclaimer: the Good Lady owns no tired grey bra's.

There, I have hopefully saved myself from a stern kicking of the arse when she reads this.

So. Welcome all, welcome to the finest beer review blog on this big spinning globe of destruction we call the Earth. I shall do my best to guide you and touch you deeply with my beerity.

That's a real offer.

But enough wibbly woo. Let's have a beer or two!

What do we have this week? Well, the Bear Man has shut up shop and gone into hiding because of the pesky Corona Virus. The silly man, he doesn't even stock Corona!


I managed to find another beer shop, a poorer one to be sure but a beer shop none the less. The beers I hawked out from there were of the brown variety.

Brown beers? You say.

Yes, but don't worry. These brown beers won't chase you up a tree in the wilds of Yosimmity or wherever the fuck brown bears live.

No, these are just plain old beers. Although, hopefully, they have a little bite.

So what is first?


Cigar City Brewing, a class establishment. I have drunk a couple of fine beers from them in the past so when I saw this delicious sounding beast I knew I had to have it.

Who doesn't love a cookie and this sounds like an awesome cookie of a beer.

Let's taste!


Brown?! This thing is positively black! Look at it. You can't see through it or anything. It has a delicate little head on top of its brackish brown depths. It looks almost like beef stew.

Neck it!

What in the name of fuck?! This is a travesty! It tastes of nothing! Seriously. Well, it doesn't taste of nothing. Perhaps that is a little harsh.

It tastes slightly wet and sour. Like BALLS. Drowned man's balls.

I mean, maybe that could be their media campaign?

Hey, come taste our beer, it tastes slightly wet like a drowned man's BALLS!?!

Oh dear. 1/10 booms. Not even sure it warrants a 1!



Look at the design on this one. It is totally awesome in a retro way. The name too. I Wanna Be Your Frog. Now I have Iggy Pop running about in my head. Yikes! A maple brown ale. I do like a maple beer. You gotta be able to taste that maple though!

But never mind the fancy flashy design and the cunning name. It takes more than that to fool a man of my calibre.

How does it taste?


Ooo, would you look at that? This is quite astonishing, it actually looks like Maple Syrup. I am a huge maple syrup fan ever since I went out with Sandra from the Drumchapel. Ooft, she was a one and no mistake.

Let's go!

Dang a doodle ding dong!! It's awesome, sweet as anything but malty too and a wee bit caramel'y. I love it. It is strong and punchy and sticky like a big boozy pudding!

What an extreme compared to the last one. I seem to be throwing 10's out like confetti these days but here goes again, 10/10 booms!!!

What a week. What a weekend. What a beer that last one was.

I'm off to get drunk.

Have a good one dudes!




You like the beers or you just want to fuck them?

Kindest regards,
Ned Scott Pizza Innovations IBC (Registered in Panama)

p.s. Get 1 Free Regular Cock with any Small Pizza @ Ned's Pizzeria

I actually find this quote hilarious.

I want to fuck them


Just make sure not to catch your foreskin on the opening of the can. That can get pretty messy pretty quickly.

Kindest regards,
Ned Scott Pizza Innovations IBC (Registered in Panama)

p.s. Get 1 Free Regular Cock with any Small Pizza @ Ned's Pizzeria

I thought that was the fun bit! Might just be me though. I'm a bit weird that way :0D


Kindest regards,
Ned Scott Pizza Innovations IBC (Registered in Panama)

p.s. Get 1 Free Regular Cock with any Small Pizza @ Ned's Pizzeria

Way to run the gamut from 1 to 10 lol The maple sounds delish. Would serve you right if your Lady procures a tired grey bra to don the next time you want to get frisky lol.

You and the fam have a great weekend!

I have banned her from white so that they can never go grey!! Lol

It was superb, even the good lady liked it. She did love maple syrup though!

Have a great one lass!

Ahoy me boom! I definitely could have saved you the cash on cigar city, tried that one around Christmas time and was very sad at the results. Boo I say! Any brewery called Anarchy on the other hand, just has to be good!

Oy, have been perusing the craziness! Well, even early the steem game was a bit of a rollercoaster, so perhaps it's not as crazy as it seems. We shall see!

Lol. Yeah, it read quite the dud. If it hadn't got me all excited with its cookie nonsense I might have forgiven it.

It's just more of the usual steem madness. Bag of shite really! :0D

Yup, well I finally got up a post- a collage walk down memory lane :0)

We dont have it yet in our state, so Im not too worried. However if they even get one case here, Im not leaving my house for a year ;)

Stock up! Stock up now!!

Glad you had a good one to make up for the dud XD I can't remember, have you ever given one 0 before?

I'm also kind of afraid to ask but morbidly curious about how you know what drowned man's balls taste like XD

I think I might have given one a zero before. I should really have some kind of record but that seems far too serious and grown up!

One never divulges ones scrapes! :0D

Woot, that was quite a contrast between both of them. That second one I'd like to get my hands on. And drink it next. No bloody use just holdin it.

Had a pair of Golden Dragons, Emperial Stout, called a barley wine, but I think it is just a fuckin fine beer.

Cheers, have a great one!

Barkley wine is a funny one. I have had a few and some have been right good strong beers and I have had a couple that have been downright odd!

Cheers mate!

"Weaker than a dead kitten."

Is my new fave posh insult when I brawl the boys at the cockfight aka pub when a girl makes an appearance. Maybe she will hear me and know that this man is sophisticated.

She will SWOON! It is the nature of the beast when such a line is uttered. You simply cannot fail. Especially if you have had ten or so beers already :OD

I am a sophisticated gentleman, and this is fucking balls!


A perfect summary of number 1!

Hoping number 2 is better....... and it is!

I'm loving the sweet and sour ales at the moment, and one might be to blame for my shocking hangover today!

Think I'll recover enough to pop in for a few more today before the footy, cheers!

I think I am going to get a couple of sweet sours for next week. There are loads of them flyinng about and they can be fab!

Lol, and indeed it was, BALLS!

The dragon knew the maple would be a treat - how many do you think you could drink before they became too sweet though?

The dragon was a great help!! Lol.

I think you could manage two, it was beery enough not to be sickly whilst still trying line maple syrup. I managed two no bother. I did go into Innis and Gunn IPA after right enough!!

Two sounds about right for a sweet one. The sours I think I could go for 3/4, and the pales until closing time :D

That the kind is strategy I like to adopt. Which reminds me, I need to get a night out on the go. This parenting nonsense puts quite the dint in it!!

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Hi Boomster great review like always.. I know Cigar City Brewing from a mate of mine he drinks beers of that company. Last week i bought i a present for my dad it was filled with belgium beers from small local brewers. I must say these are fun beers the brewer are always crazy with naming them. I think i would like this Anarchy brew i like wen the beers have some extra flavor. Cheers Boomster you did it once again.. So i will give you 10/10 DAVIDS!!! RESTEEMED...

Hehe 10/10 Davids, love it!!

Cigar City is usually very good. No idea what was happening with this one!!

I must admit I would be pissed if they named a virus after my beer brand. But then again tell the masses that Corona beers is the cure. Sandra from the Drumchapel sounds like a sticky tale.

She was a sticky tale indeed ;0)

I wonder if that might be the sole use that Corona has. Wouldn't that be quite the thing, Corona to cure Corona!!!

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