When your friend brewed his own beer and you get to try it
I really love it when friends have good hobbies around me! This time my friend @dersjoerd (who @vincentnijman and @yangyanje also met in Switzerland back in the good old days and is a silent lurker from all of is, but should be posting instead!!!!!) is really stepping up the game with his homebrewing skills and throwing out some test products and bringing them back to Holland for us all to try.
So what he did is he made three different batches with some small adjustments on it to see which version would be the best one, and was asking for feedback on all of them. I got some version 2 beers so I can only have an opinion about these ones, but I must say....they are damn fine!
Apart from that I really like the name 'a whole lot of hoppiness' the taste of these beers was actually really good. A double IPA is not for everybody but I really liked the flavour of it. Some caramel was in there, not too fruity, and with a 0.5 liter popping cork with 7.2% alcohol in there you don't need a lot in these to be in your zone already.
We have talked a lot about brewing beers, but it actualy a bit of a hassle and you need time and space for it. So in the end this wasn't really my thing to do, even though you have nice starter packages online with everything in there what you need to set up for yourself. These packages even contain bottles, the ingredients and the how-to in there. A good way to start and learn with making some rookie mistakes in there. Maybe when I have moved again....or in a next life hahaha.
But buddy @dersjoerd made his own cocktail of hop and yeast and it is worth a try. I really hope this stuff will one day end up in the supermarkt or we can promote to help sell it. That is what friends are for right?