My first steemit post
This is my first post here on steemit.
And I will write a little about myself. I live in a small country called Denmark. For the last years, I have been working on a brewhouse and I'm also a beerjudge. My interests and hobbies are beers and beerbrewing, tattoos, heavy metal, movies, politics, food, a good cup of coffee and food. Maybe I forget a thing or two...
Like most people in this world, I have a dream. I dream of being my own boss, having my own company. And what company is is going to be? well, I would like to have my own brewhouse and make the beers that I like to drink. And a little dream here in the small future, is to get my book released, it is not finished as I'm writing this post, but I am close to have it done.
This was my first post, but there will be many more to come in the future.... Now I will take a look around here on steemit... until we meet again, have a good day
Velkommen min ven! :)
Mange tak
I look forward to more of your posts! Welcome to Steemit!! Add some pictures of your tasty beers next time :-)
Thank you... In the future, there will be alot of pictures in my posts :)
Velkommen dejligt at se flere danskere herinde ... hehe