My Epic Homebew!
Hey everyone well what can I tell you, last night was beer night and it was fantastic.
I sampled my latest low hop pale ale ,the problem with my in itial brew days and brews was I was adding too many hopps now I have made some interesing changes, add less and later in the boil.
A very interesting phenomenon here can you see what is going on? Here is the identical beer one cold one at room temp why is the cold one cloudy? Simple answer right? But not so much!
Left the frosty and right the warm beer. PS: I have wiped off all condensation it is certainly not that!
One would think that condensation is at play here. However the warm one poured into a glass crystal clear and the cold one pale so what scientific phenomenon is at play here?
Here we have gorgeous Tinkie watching Daddy drink his epic homebrew and as usual keeping me company, lovely little animal love her dearly.
Have a magic weekend, love, light and be blessed always.
I think I should brew some beer tomorrow!!