Beer Tasting - India Pale Ale (IPA) ('Surly Todd - The Axe Man' by Amager Bryghus)

in #beer8 years ago (edited)

Happy BTC split day! I hope you are wealthier than yesterday! This Axe brew of Todd’s seemed like a fitting review, don’t you think?

Back to basics. Back to Fakin Craft Pub. There are some new brews that should be available soon which I’m itching to taste but I’m slowly running out of things to review here. I’ll have to find a new location. Maybe a beer shop like @meesterboom does every Sunday.

Arriving soon!

I couldn’t persuade my friend to have a beer at noon but that didn’t stop me. Aren’t you glad?

@cryptodan recently commented on one of my posts:

That beer sounds really tasty i wonder if I can get it at my local beer pusher :D
Also, it looks like The Fakin Craft Bar had a danish beer on tap from Amager Bryghus (I'm a dane). Have you tried it?

You asked for it here it is. I do reviews on command. Just write the name in the memo and if I can find it there is a good chance I’ll review it ;)

Wonderful day at Fakin, what can I say.

Little bit about the beer on review. It has unusually high score on I really didn’t like it that much. Could be it is just that batch or keg.

Secondly, they have an odd description.

For quite some time the Amager crew has been discussing this question: which person is the most rock’n’roll in the whole craft beer world - is it Barnaby Struve of Three Floyds or is it Todd Haug of Surly Brewing? In the end it wasn’t really all that difficult to decide since only Todd has played for Laura Dern in a David Lynch movie (yeah, Nicolas Cage was in that same movie, but since when did he count?) AND Todd plays the guitar in both a speed metal band and a stoner band. Add to that that Todd and his wife Linda are some of the nicest people to hang out with. So Todd, here’s to you: "Todd - The Axe Man" - a potent IPA loaded with fresh American aroma hops on a base of rich Golden Promise malt, Surly’s signature malt. Raise a glass to Todd, world class brewer - and master of the axe! Bonus facts about Todd: yes, he DID actually have a perm in his younger days (his wife confirms) and he does indeed love cats an awful lot.

Who are these people? Who is more rock’n’roll?

Barnaby Struve

Image credit


Todd Haug

Image credits

You decide!


Surly Todd - The Axe Man by Amager Bryghus

StyleIndia Pale Ale (IPA)
CountryKastrup, Denmark
AppearanceMisty pale amber. Unusual color. Looks like lively carbonation. Sparkles. Decent head. Endures.
AromaHoneycomb. I’ve read other people saying mead. Heavy flower scent. Some kind of summer fruit. Maybe figs.
TasteEarthy bittersweet with a decent sour, too. Combination of three tastes. Layered. Interesting and complex.
PalateAstringent finish. Almost metallic and very low carbonation. This is its weakest characteristic. Oily feel with low carbonation that just isn’t comfortable. Could be gone bad?
OverallA very interesting brew with a cool team of brewers. I’m glad I’ve tried something foreign and I hope to taste something of theirs again. But, if you are just passing by opt for something local instead. You won’t be disappointed.
Score (subjective, personal)14/20

Price: 23 kuna (3.70$) for 0.3 l. On tap. Splurge. At a pub.

This review was improved by RateBeer!

Please drink with style and responsibility!

Camera: Cell phone - Moto G4 Plus 16MP

Beer devotees: @kingscrown @meesterboom @beers @uwelang @steemswede @rynow @mk40 @detlev - you encourage me to write every day!You can find a lot more beer posts in my blog as well as other posts on various topics. Thank you for all your sharing, caring and upvoting!

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@hilarski (73) isn’t worried about the BTC split. Check out what he says about it in this post. There is a discussion going on.

Barnaby Struve or Todd Haug?


Todd Haug is God!

cool ! Todd Haug tastes good but I rather stick with Kingfisher :)

Wow, you have a proper webpage!

I've had Surly's Todd the Axeman many times fresh from the tap, and it's always been a great IPA. One always wonders when the taste of a beer is 'off', how much of it is due maybe the beer being not fresh (or just downright old), or the tap/lines not being clean, or even the glass not being fully rinsed out (possible soap residue behind). Hard to really know unless you went right to the brewery and had it fresh from their own brite tanks!

Yup. I agree! Many elements to take into consideration. Could be they had little left in the keg since it is imported.

I love Amager Bryghus - haven't had this IPA, we seem to get their darker/malty beers down here in Australia which makes sense given the distance and freshness required for IPAs

What city is this microbrewing? I live in Denver Colorado where we have over 100 microbreweries. Some microbreweries don't have kitchen so they have food trucks pull up.

A double IPA in Denver can cost anywhere from six dollars to nine dollars a glass. Denver has also hosted the international brewery convention.

Sorry, I was away for a day or so. I have heard that the USA has the best microbreweries in the world! This is Danish beer it seems, I wrote more about Croatian microbreweries in my old posts! I don' know what is the standard of living there but in Croatia as a full time teacher you earn about 900$ a month. My ideas on pricing is a bit biased, for sure :)

I understand that Croatia is a wonderful vacation destination and it's really popular with travelers from the United Kingdom.

Is it drinking and driving if your self driving car drive you home when you're drunk? Here's a self driving car that can get you home from the bar

A full-time teacher in the United States earns between $30,000 US per year to $60,000 US per year It just depends on how much school when you have

Cool. I must go there and drink something. Cheers.

Nigerian beer is the best any day anytime.


beery day 😎

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