Steemqueen: A beauty contest. Win Steem with your beauty!
Regularly female Steemians post photos of themselves on Steemit. You can now compete with your beauty in a contest and win Steem!
Here are the rules:
- You post one or more photos of yourself. You hold a piece of paper with your name and a Steemit logo, to ensure that this image was not taken somewhere from the internet.
- If you wish you can add information about yourself or answer typical pageant questions e.g. as presented here: But this is in no way obligatory.
- You add the tag steemqueen in the box at the bottom or in the post you write #steemqueen
- You give the web-address of the the photo, but with the word “dot” instead of a . before the jpg, png, gif extension. Example “pxwt1.jpg” becomes "pxwt1dotjpg".
- You have four days to send the post.
- On the 5th day (i.e. next Tuesday) I collect all entries and I prepare a “Voting Post” in which I will put all the photos with your names and links to your posts.
- Voting is done by replying to the above-mentioned “Voting Post”. You MUST indicate your top 3: for example: 1. Steemette 2. Steemprincess 3. Steemalicious.
- For each nr. 1 a votevalue of 0.5 is attributed, for a number 2 a votevalue of 0.35 and for a number 3 a votevalue of 0.15.
- Non-participants can also vote.
- All votevalues will be counted and summed and will be presented in an Excel snapshot. The total score will determine the winner, runner-up and bronze participant.
- The reward will be split 50%/35%/15% in this order among nrs. 1, 2 and 3, respectively.
- The reward will come from the rewards of this post and the voting post, which I will entirely make available to the winners. I won’t claim a percentage. I will post the exact payouts I collected for these posts as a snapshot.
- Every participant can only send one entry per contest.
- You are allowed to re-post a photo you posted before on Steemit outside of the framework of this contest.
- From the moment the “Voting Post” is published on Steemit you have at least 24 hours to send your votes. Voting is closed once I collect the reward for the “Voting post”.
- The next day (6th day; next Wednesday) I will prepare a “Result Post” announcing the winners and the rewards they have earned. In this post I will also post the Excel snapshot and the snapshots of the Rewards I collected from this Announcement Post and the Voting post.
- I will then transfer the rewards to nrs. 1,2 and 3.
- Pornographic content will be disqualified, because this is not a NSFW contest and our 13 year old Steemettes must also be able to click this post or even participate if they wish.
Spin-off ideas:
If this contest is successful I will prepare such a contest every month.
When I have about 100 entries, I will publish them as a book, with a title something like “Beautiful Steemettes”. Every participant will be mentioned and if wished her photo will be published.
From this moment you can post your entries! Let the games begin!
If you liked this post please upvote and/or resteem. Comments are very welcome, if you have ideas how to improve this contest. For this first contest however the rules are fixed, unless I have made a mistake which makes that my rules can’t work.
By Technovedanta
Image from