Hair Much Longer in 3 Weeks, Silky and Brilliant.

Long Hair in 4 Weeks
All and all we always want to have a long and fabulous hair, that is the center of the eyes, but not all of us are born with such a hair, but if we can achieve it, and it is not difficult, nor expensive, nor impossible. Let's just dedicate love, time, patience and dedication, which we transmit through treatments like these below.
You must create your own natural shampoo
To have a natural and healthy hair we must also use natural and healthy products, this will seek the stimulation of hair growth.
At first it will be difficult to wash your hair, since this shampoo does not create the foam that you usually do, but after a few washes you will get used to it. And the final results will surprise you.
- Sodium Bicarbonate
- Water
- Apple Vinegar
Mix 1 part of baking soda with 3 parts of water and pour the mixture into a jar, if you have long hair you should mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda with 12 tablespoons of water.
Apply the mixture on the wet hair from the root to the tip. Leave on for 3 minutes and rinse.
After washing the hair, carefully apply a rinse of apple cider vinegar. Mix 1 part of apple cider vinegar with 4 parts of water and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a better smell (almond oil, castor oil, coconut oil), apply this in all the hair and do not rinse, leave Let it dry in the air and admire your shiny and beautiful hair.

Another Technique with Different Ingredients
- 0.5 tablespoon cinnamon powder
- 1 tablespoon of mustard powder
- 1 egg
- 1 tablespoon of olive or coconut oil
- hot water
In a bowl you should mix the mustard, cinnamon, egg and mix very well. Then add the oil and mix once more. Finally add the hot water, you should pour it little by little, until the mixture is homogeneous.
Apply before washing dry hair. Pour the mask to all scalp and the rest of the hair apply coconut oil or another mask to moisturize and soften the hair.
Leave on for a minimum of 30 minutes, and then rinse with plenty of water.
You must apply this treatment every time you wash your hair.
Remember that to obtain great and good results we must be constant in what we do.