[Beauty Content]: 7 Quick Beauty Tips for Busy New Moms

in #beauty7 years ago

Feed baby. Change baby. Feed baby again. Change baby yet again… and suddenly it’s dark out and your whole day is gone. Poof! Oh and you didn’t even get the chance to shower. (For the second day in a row.) While the days of spending a full morning deep-conditioning, blow drying, and straightening your hair are on hold for right now, you can still sneak in some much-needed “makeover” time. It’s totally doable — even with a newborn.


1. Take a minute for mascara. There’s pretty much no way that you’re going back to a complicated smokey eye anytime soon, but a simple swipe of mascara isn’t out of the question. It takes all of two seconds and gives your sleepy eyes a major wake-up (in appearance, at least). If you’re a former devotee of the crimping curler, skip the extra step by swapping your regular mascara for a curling formula.

2. Use multi-purpose products. You’re a multitasking mom to the millionth degree, but that might not save you from the time zap that your baby brings on. You love your little one, but you’re not loving the look of your un-moisturized, un-foundationed face. Instead of being the multitasker yourself, let your products pull double duty. A tinted moisturizer quenches your skin while adding a healthy glow (bonus points if you use one with sunscreen in it too).

3. Braid your hair. “I have plenty of time to dry and curl my hair,” said no new mama ever. But that doesn’t mean you’re stuck with a messy bun every day. If your hair will hold a curl or a wave (meaning that it isn’t stick straight), braid your freshly washed damp hair before bedtime. More braids equal more defined waves. Just unbraid in the morning and swing that bouncy hair like you’re walking down the runway.


4. DIY a baby food facial. Your baby just started eating solids. Yay! But every time they snub a spoonful it ends up all over you. Boo! Wait just a moment here. Take a look at the ingredients in some of the most popular DIY facial masks. You’ll find foods such as avocados, bananas, and oats. Don’t these look a lot like what your kiddo is gumming right now? When you make a mash for your little eater, mix up some extra for a meal-time mommy facial.

5. Put those baby-wipes to good use. Those dye-free, fragrance-free organic baby wipes are good for more than cleaning your tot’s tush. On the days when you’re actually able to swipe a layer of makeup onto your face, these wipes will do plenty to take it off. Even if you’re going cosmetics-free, a quick wipe across the face can still clean a day’s worth of goo and gunk off of your face.

6. Dry shampoo is your friend. Washing your hair hasn’t made it to the top of your must-do list just yet, but that doesn’t mean you need to go out in public with an oily mess on top of your head. It also doesn’t mean that you have to rush into the shower, suds up, and sort-of kind-of rinse the bubbles out in the 10 minutes that your kiddo graces you with a nap. A spray of dry shampoo will soak up the excess oil and leave your hair smelling fabulously fresh.

7. Stash lip balm in multiple places. Dry lips look like they feel — sadly chapped. Your pre-baby lip routine is on hold, but you don’t have to resign yourself to days on end of peeling, colorless lips. Pop a tinted lip balm into the diaper bag, keep one in the car’s glove box, and stash one anywhere else that’s convenient for you. The kitchen cabinet is a perfect spot — after eating breakfast with baby, your a.m. lip balm application is completely wiped off. Keep one on hand, and there’s no need to run upstairs just to replenish. Just grab your kitchen balm and moisturize away.


good tips, I am not even a mom but for sure will use these tips! upvoted, thanks for sharing

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