Too Much Ado About Physical Appeal

in #beauty8 years ago

It goes without saying that every one of us grew up molded and groomed by the mindsets prevalent in our society. Some of these mindsets have stayed with us right into adulthood. Some of them were sold to us while we were grown or while growing up. It takes a lot of bravery and deep soul searching to free one's self from such a destructive cultural ethos.

One of the very harmful ones I would say is the need to be physically appealing. We grew up watching Disney movies, storybooks and even reading romance novels that beleaguered us with the physically "perfect" and picture-worthy people. People grow up believing that if they do not possess a certain body type or have a particular kind of facial structure, they were severely lacking. Beauty contests are held were size zero models with extremely long necks and legs were crowned queens and people hail them.... instilling in the minds of children and adults the model for beauty. For the men, washboard bellies, and the fictional tall, dark and handsome criteria has become a burden just too much too bear at times.  

While it is of paramount importance to be healthy and look it and to be well groomed, and appropriately dressed for whatever situation, I think it is morally and psychologically wrong for society to continue to propagate this notion that if you do not look a certain way, then you are not good enough.

Children grow up with this kind of mentality and either become bullies of those who are "less of what they are" or become preys to those who feel superior. It might not go as far as physical bullying, but it could be psychological and emotional. Some children are daunted by the fact that they do not look "cool enough".

The fashion industry and some pharmaceutical industries have latched on to this ideology and are ripping people off who will pay whatever the price for clothes, shoes bags, jewelries, fragrances, slimming pills, body creams and the likes in order to be as physically appealing as possible.  

It is so horrible that some people have gone to the extreme.... getting botox injections and even going under the knife for procedures like liposuction, breast and bum enhancement. Other people spend their days irrationally horrified about the prospects of getting old and wrinkled. Ageing is probably their worst nightmare! And then we have the ones who go under the knife to look like celebrities.

This is pop culture madness and needs to stop. When we look around us we see people who look exactly like dolls, some have been so altered that they are a far cry from their original selves. It is about time parents and the mass media begin to sell a more worthy mindset. One that doesn't rely so much on being picture perfect.  

It is important for people to know that is alright to be flawed. It is alright to have scars, it alright if you are born with noses which aren't straight. It alright if you aren't so curvy. It is alright if you are not a certain height. It is alright to be yourself and to look the way you do!! You know why? Because individuality is the hallmark of humanity. It is our uniqueness that makes the world interesting and wonderful. It is our individuality that does not make the world a monochrome of boredom and repetition. We all have something to offer the world just the way we are. Instead of trying so much to look like another person, we could cultivate our own individuality; work on our strength, work ethics, talents and mojo. 

People who really care about you will love you more for more important things than what you look like. They don't need you to look a certain way to appreciate you. And if they do, then they are not worth being in your life.

You are beautiful, you are wonderful, you are perfect! 


(images courtesy of pixabay) 


Maybe I missed it in the subtext but why does an article railing against the monetization of physical beauty and the unrealistic standards it forces on to women use only pictures that meet the standards you are railing against? My guess is that it wouldn't generate the same click rate and hence voting rate and monetization. Not a single picture of a woman that doesn't fit the media's idea of perfection or beauty. Money uber alles.

My friend's daughter was just in a local beauty queen contest ... thought I had been sent back to the 1950's . They even had a wearing swim suits parade - unbelievable and sad!

I saw a program about child beauty pageants and the moms were so crazy obsessed like they had something to prove

Well the moms might be crazy, but little kids don't carry around all our baggage so its totally possible, and likely that as long as the kids weren't made to feel awfulthey hey had a great time while it was the adults who stressed themselves out.

This is pop culture madness and needs to stop.

No. It doesn't need to stop. Culture, that is me, you and everyone else promotes trends—much like you are milking the cow because you are famous. from shallow posts.

Good looking people with certain feautures attract more because biology rewards them. Inequality is part of life. Nothing wrong with that. This is how our species got to survive. Some feautures survived and others didn't.

No matter how "deep" you are you will pick the sexy one rather than the landwhale with the soaky armpits and the tiities hanging down the belly button. Stop lying to yourself rather than saying to others "stop". Nobody is going to stop. its like saying "don't get hungry". Appearance is about sex. it is a natural need and people will mod up for it.

What needs to stop is this sensationalist talk about what "we should do" and what "we should not" when nobody really believes this crap nor it is something viable. it sounds good while saying it and people get all sensitive and stuff but really, they will go home, make up, put the push up bra and go dating.

Life, the entire planet runs on deception. From the silly feathers of a peacock, to the stradegy of a chess player, an army general attacking, the expensive car and of a guy or the muscles he crafted in the gym even though he nas no real world physical fitness. it will still get you wet and no, you won't be thinking about how much "fake" is the physical appeal.

so please. I beg you. Stop shit-posting

This poster is a total fraud. Did you notice his/her previous post about beauty? It's a complete contradiction!

Seems like your arguments for beauty contradict your arguments for shitposting. "What needs to stop is this sensationalist talk about what "we should do" and what "we should not" when nobody really believes this crap nor it is something viable."
It takes all kinds to grow a community.

it might take all kinds to grow a community but only some are trending. please touch base with reality. i see no contradiction in what i wrote

It is very unfortunate. Love a person who is just comfortable with themselves and wish the world didn't ask for all the... wrapping?

I don't think the problem lies in placing too much value on beauty, but in placing too much value on the false beauty that has to be painted on or injected. What isn't genuine isn't genuinely beautiful. My two cents.

You are beautiful the way you are :)

nice post.. i like barbie

I believe that we should focus less on how we "appear" and more on how we "feel". Looking and feeling genuinely healthy will always be more appealing to me. I find I feel much better about myself after I've ate a healthy meal, drank a fresh juice, and finished an intense run or yoga class! That is when I feel most vibrant and beautiful.

When a person is introduced boteks, I think it's against nature! But stupid people are willing to go for it. It is sad.
I think the problem is global in scale.
I've been wearing thoughts in yourself, thank you!

excellent post @msgivings

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