5 Skin Beauty Hacks from your Kitchen
A lot of beauty cosmetics in the market are promoting different variations of skincare products that help enhance a woman’s look. These skincare products are widely used by a lot of women. According to a survey conducted, 52% of women spend over $150 per year on body and skincare products. That might not seem a lot but saving up on $150 per year would help you save up on other important things, like food.
Besides, here are some Beauty Hacks that you may easily find from your kitchen.
Prevent wrinkles with Tomatoes. Tomatoes contain high levels of lycopene which is good for our skin’s complexion. Benefits of eating tomatoes help your face get that rosy glow. It promotes absorption of oxygen on your face leaving it less wrinkled and supple. Some may also opt to apply it topically. To make tomato facial scrubs, use sugar and tomato juice or pulp to exfoliate dead skin cells. Tomatoes are considered a citrus fruit which is a good source of Vitamin C for skin brightening.
Heal acne with Lemons. This citrus fruit contains vitamin C and flavonoids which is a great help due to their antibiotic effect. Applying freshly squeezed lemon juice on your face can help the swelling and redness of your pimples or acne. Be sure to rinse the lemon juice after 10 minutes because of its negative reactions to severe sunlight.
Hydrate your skin with Cucumbers. Cucumbers and our skin have the same level of hydrogen; this makes cucumber suitable for gaining back our skin’s natural moisture. The cooling effect that this vegetable gives our skin makes it one of the most used beauty hacks from the kitchen. Follow this simple recipe for a healthy glowing and smooth skin:
- Blend 4 – 5 leafs of fresh mint
- Peel and de-seed the cucumber
- Add mint leaves to the cucumber to make a puree.
- Beat egg white and keep it separate, then add this egg white to the cucumber mixture.
- Apply this evenly on your face for 20 minutes and then rinse it with water and pat it dry.
Remove cellulites with Coffee. Drinking coffee is a great source of antioxidant but it doesn’t stop there. Don’t throw away your used coffee grounds. It is said that the caffeine in coffee enhances fat metabolism and increase circulation making less appearance of cellulites. Mix the coffee grounds with honey or olive oil and massage them on the areas where cellulites appear. Do this regularly and be amazed on the benefits of this morning drink.
Brighten Dark and Puffy Circles with Parsley. This leafy plant is no longer just a garnish. Parsley contains vitamin A and vitamin K which acts as anti-inflammatory. It promotes blood circulation which helps bring in moisture and lighten the skin around the eye area.
To make Parsley Eye Pads:
- Crush parsley with a mortar and pestle
- Add a small amount of hot water to make a paste
- Get a cotton pad and cut into half
- Dip cotton pad into paste and refrigerate for a cooling effect
- Garnish your eyes with these Parsley Eye Pads
#beauty #beauty-hacks #hacks #kitchen #coffee #benefits #cucumber #foods #lemon #parsley #skincare #skinfoods #tomato
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Hello, how come you have secretly? mentioned @blogbooster in this post?
so sorry pls. I confused.
I never unliked your post, did I? I never saw the post until I noticed I was mentioned in it, but can't find where in the post, that's why I asked. I am curious as to how and why you did hidden mentions, and that bogged me up so I forgot to upvote it.. I actually did enjoy your post, especially the coffee part as I am a coffee addict myself.
Sorry if I hurt your feelings, I have no intention to do so.
I make my best effort to write good posts.I am getting very sad when Someone comes and flags my post.
if you don't want to get mentions, there is mute function on steemit.
Mentions are ok, I just had never seen anyone do it hidden. And as said, I have never flagged any of your post so now I think you are acting unreasonable.
i love your stuff. i like your vibe that you're brining to steemit. and i like your extensions into busy.org . dope
thank you @proprlee
@thatsweeneyguy why?
Very nice blog. :)
I am ready to help you for styling post
5 Benefits of being a morning person
I did what you said but still have a link instead of picture.
no space in quotes <img src= "https://i.imgur.com/UZuS25C.jg">
The previes is working now but it saying me : ''An image in this post did not save properly.'' So I can't post that !
If you encountered the error message, "An image in this post did not save properly" while trying to post an uploaded picture on Steemit, make sure the HTML code of the image is correct. One of the reasons why the error shows up is when there is a space in the code like what is shown below:
For Example, there is a space between " and https.
With the space we have this :
5 Benefits of being a morning person
no picture seen :(